Thursday, October 21, 2021

LOL: College Professors Asked to Work in Dining Hall Amidst Worker Shortage (They Probably Voted For)

LOL: College Professors Asked to Work in Dining Hall Amidst Worker Shortage (They Probably Voted For)
Joseph Gunderson - October 21, 2021 at 04:52PM

Absolutely nothing is sweeter than hearing about professors reaping the rewards of what they have sown. It's a beautiful thing. And as the well-spring from which almost all of our Marxist ills have emerged, it would seem fitting that they are affected by socialist policies. At Michigan State University they are being asked to do just that.

While the dining hall usually employs approximately 4,000 students, there are only 1,200 currently working. To make up the difference, the senior vice president of the university, Vennie Gore, sent an email stating, "Faculty and staff from around campus are invited to sign up to assist in the dining halls! We have specific needs during evenings and weekends". He also included a link to a background check and a list of tips to prepare for the first shift.

A few things. How hilarious would it be to have the professor who just dinged you on an essay forced to prepare your midnight snack? Next, why doesn't the university already have background checks done on these people? They will hire criminals and deviants to be professors but not fry cooks? I would argue that if one of those groups should get a pass on the background check it should be the cooks, but that's just me. Finally, how inept are these people? They need tips for working a shift in a dining hall? Have none of them held a job before? Really?

Aside from my own critiques, the request was not received well by the faculty, or at least, it wasn't received well by Devin Silvia, director of undergraduate studies in the computational math department.

"I am all about supporting the MSU student community and making sure they have a positive experience […] But at the end of the day, I'm doing that in my own career and questioning whether I'm being sufficiently compensated."

Silvia earned a minimum of $100,000 last academic year… Yeah, I'm pretty sure he is being "sufficiently compensated". In fact, with such a salary, the university should make working a few hours in the dining hall mandatory.

Vennie Gore says that even though the pay for dining hall workers was recently raised from $12 to $15 an hour, the university can't find workers because they have to compete with local businesses. Is that it? It couldn't have anything to do with people being paid to not work? Maybe a little? I wonder who most of those professors voted for last year...

But I love it! I wish I was still in college and able to experience this! I would have especially loved to see my sociology professor serving up macaroni and cheese between classes. Alas, I will just have to appreciate from afar as they are knocked down a few pegs.

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