Tuesday, October 12, 2021

CNN Writer Says Democracy is in Danger. His Argument is Completely Incoherent

CNN Writer Says Democracy is in Danger. His Argument is Completely Incoherent
Joseph Gunderson - October 12, 2021 at 03:47PM

The media simply cannot let go of Trump. He's the source of all the countries problems, even though he's been out of office for nine months. And now, he's going to be the downfall of American democracy, they say!

Pointing to the Jan 6 riot, Zachary Wolf writes, quoting Fiona Hill of the Brookings Institute, "The growing fear outside the committed base of the GOP is that the attempted coup of 2021 was not a one-off, but rather 'a dress rehearsal for something that could be happening near term, in 2022, and 2024." I can't help but think—after rolling my eyes at the tired use of the term "coup"—these people are completely and utterly delusional! The left cheered on BLM/Antifa riots and destruction of incredible proportions, even a group in Seattle that literally attempted—and epically failed—to annex American soil for their own commie utopia, and they have the audacity to point fingers at a handful of people trespassing and scream about "the end is near!" Give me a break!

What might be worse than thinking Trump voters are preparing to overthrow the government is the absolutely ridiculous manner in which this dullard attempts to justify such a position. Let's go down his list of points.

First, Wolf goes to a recent interview on Fox during which Rep. Steve Scalise rightly points out a verifiable fact:

"If you look at a number of states, they didn't follow their state-passed laws that govern the election for president. That is what the United States Constitution says. They don't say the states determine what the rules are. They say the state legislatures determine the rules."

There's nothing controversial about this. Two easy examples are Pennsylvania and Michigan. I get it, though, the left finds facts so difficult to comprehend.

Next, this weirdo holds up Rep. Liz Cheney and Sen. Chuck Grassley and goes, "LOOK! One of these Republicans doesn't like Trump and the other one does!" Umm… Okay, kiddo, calm down. I don't quite understand how this also points to a revolt. I'd really like the opportunity to read this guy's mind—y'know, really root around and see all the loose screws—but short of that, I can only imagine the mental hoops he's jumping through to construe this. What makes it all the funnier is how Wolf quotes Grassley, "I was born at night, but not last night. So if I didn't accept the endorsement of a person who's got 91% of the Republican voters in Iowa, I wouldn't be too smart." only to follow this by saying it's an "odd turn for a lawmaker who spent decades building up a reputation as a strong-willed pragmatist". Someone get ol' Zach here a dictionary because he clearly doesn't know what that word means.

If you weren't buying into his argument yet, maybe he'll convince you with the next one! Trump doesn't much like Mitch McConnel. Yes, Wolf's argument now is that Trump, who is no longer the POTUS, dislikes a sitting senator who has consistently been reelected, and this is also evidence that there is a secret movement of radical Republicans waiting for their chance to strike. If anything, this is an argument against his case…

And finally, his piece devolves into a leftist fever dream. "Trump will be re-elected in 2024! Constitutional crisis! Moderate NEED to vote for Democrats!" And he finished up by finding one rando at a rally to say civil war is coming. I mean, this is just lazy.

The left's obsession with Trump and proposing these dystopian fantasies are as old and overplayed as they are ludicrous. If I desired to argue the same of the left, I wouldn't have to grasp at straws or tie my brain in knots, and I'd have far more actual evidence to bring to the table.

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