Thursday, September 9, 2021

United Airlines Getting Ready to Eliminate Troublesome Unvaccinated Employees. Who's Next?

United Airlines Getting Ready to Eliminate Troublesome Unvaccinated Employees. Who's Next?
Courtney Kirchoff - September 09, 2021 at 12:36PM

Either today, tomorrow or whenever his handlers get him the correct dosage, "President" Biden is expected to announce vaccine mandates for federal employees. But private entities are already ahead of government. One such entity is United Airlines. The Chicago-based company is forcing requiring its poor schmucks to get poked or get smoked. Sometimes I have to stretch the rhymes a bit. It's not a perfect world. Anyway, working in air travel was probably hard enough, dealing with passengers who can't shove their crap in the overhead bins. Now employees skeptical of Fauci's ouchie risk never being able to yell at people to put their trays up and chais up. I joke because I have to, this nonsense is maddening:

The airline's 67,000 U.S.-based employees face a Sept. 27 deadline for getting vaccinated. United said Wednesday, however, that employees whose bids for exemptions based on medical reasons or religious beliefs are denied will get five more weeks to get vaccinated.

After that, the airline said, they will face termination or unpaid leave.United declined to say exactly how many employees have recently been vaccinated, what percentage of the workforce is now vaccinated, or how many workers requested an exemption. The airline said it will have enough workers to operate its schedule this fall and into the holidays.

It'll have enough employees for the holidays? Lol, okay then.

Let's skip deep dives into the obvious talking points already well-covered but mentioned below for the sake of covering bases:

COVID-19's survival rate is sky-high. We're talking survival percentages in the high nineties, especially if you're under ages geriatric and BMIs below beluga whales. Heck, some people who get the wuhu flu don't even present symptoms. That's how potent this super serious virus we should all take very seriously actually is.

The vaccine is brand new. I don't care if the FDA approved it, we don't everything about it. The FDA also approved the stupid grain-heavy food pyramid. Following them blindly isn't the best idea. Also, if people need to take a booster for the shots, I'm not sure how effective it really is. That's me and my pesky opinion. Not the CDC's opinion.

United Airlines will have followers. What I mean by that is, other airlines will be like "Yeah, us too!" and start mandating vaccines. Then it will move beyond airlines. I know it already has, but it's coming when a lot of woke corporations won't care about the people working for them and their privacy or body autonomy rights. How soon will United Airlines implement the same for their passengers?

What matters in all this is enough people holding the line. It's power in numbers. The numbers only have power if there's enough. If enough United Airlines employees flip the bird to the jab, if they stay strong, and other employees both private and public do the same, we're going to have an even bigger labor shortage than we do now. Nurses, doctors, flight staff, military, government employees like cops, they need to stay strong. Personal liberty can be erased if we allow it to be.

Stay united against this, those of you with the principles and guts to do so. We will not become Australia if enough of us hold the line.

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