Thursday, September 9, 2021

Ron DeSantis Counters Joe Biden's C*VID Speech: 'My Job Is to PROTECT YOUR Individual Freedom ...'

Ron DeSantis Counters Joe Biden's C*VID Speech: 'My Job Is to PROTECT YOUR Individual Freedom ...'
Brodigan - September 09, 2021 at 12:46PM

Joe Biden is scheduled to speak this evening. In his speech, he's going to lay out the six things he's going to do to "combat" the Delta variant and a bunch of other C*VID jive. As of this writing, it sounds like six executive orders. One of which will mandate all government employees need to get the v*cc*ne or lose their jobs, even though no other v*cc*ne is required for employment. Another is to mandate regular C*VID testing in schools. In other words, if your kid goes to a public school, they're getting a cotton swab shoved up their nose at regular intervals. You know, just to be on the "safe" side.

In what may just be a coincidence (but I doubt it is), Christina Pushaw, spokeswoman for America's Governor Ron DeSantis, shared the following video.

"My job is to protect your individual freedom. My job is not to protect corporate freedom. That is not what I'm here for. We have a good business climate. ... But this idea that businesses can just do whatever they want and invade your privacy ... no. I'm not signing up for that."

Oh, yeah. That's another thing Biden is planning to do today. "Strongly encourage" private businesses to do what he "strongly encourages" them to do.

"I'm signing up for protecting your freedom and making sure we have a society in Florida where people can make the best decisions for themselves and for their families. And that's what we're doing by protecting against these mandates ... based on what people believe is best for them and their families, but not something that's imposed. Either by government or, in some instances, by very, very powerful private entities."

Government, powerful private entities, OR powerful government entities like the CDC. Let's take a look at what Biden is (expected) to say about schools today. Because there's a very good chance he's going to have DeSantis' name in his mouth. DeSantis has already called out Biden's obsession with masking kids. Here's what's being reported:

Joe Biden is planning to call for regular testing in schools CONSISTENT with the CDC guidance. This is the same CDC whose mask guidance is based on faulty studies and data. They have also been busted taking their marching orders from the teachers' unions, not once but TWICE. The second time just happened yesterday. Yet our puddingheaded president is going to mandate school policy based on "the science" according to the CDC. If parents don't like it? Meh. They're the problem.

I don't think it's a coincidence that Team DeSantis put out a pro-freedom, pro-individual choice message today. Joe Biden is planning on doing the exact opposite. If you haven't taken our advice to pay attention to what's going on in Australia, start.

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