Thursday, September 2, 2021

OPINION: Voting Democrat is Voting Evil

OPINION: Voting Democrat is Voting Evil
Courtney Kirchoff - September 01, 2021 at 04:23PM

See that giant all caps OPINION there? Good, we've established basic literacy. All the words you're about to read are the opinion of one Courtney Kirchoff. NOT Steven Crowder. NOT Dave Landau. NOT Blaze Media, YouTube, Rumble, iTunes, or any other place you might view or listen to the the Louder with Crowder show. We good? We got the disclaimers out of the way? Have I made myself clear that the opinion is mine and mine alone? Fantastic.

If you still support Democrats, as in you still support them right now, this very second, you support evil. Yes, I am unequivocally saying voting for Democrats is voting for evil. It's even possible some Democrats may actually worship the devil. If not literally, figuratively. Because belief in the devil requires a belief in God, after all.

While the opinion I came to I came to alone, it wasn't based on a whim. Rather, my opinion was based on what Democrats say, how Democrats behave, and what it is they wish to see. For example:

As someone who considers herself tilting on the "morally-bound" side of the moral vs. immoral spectrum, I find it alarming a judge would remove a child from his mother's care simply because she didn't get poked. There are grounds to remove a child from his or her parents, especially if his or her parents put the child in harm's way. But not getting a vaccine for a virus with a sky high survival rate, especially for children, is not something I'd consider "harmful." Yet here is a trash pile account celebrating it.

You may say to yourself "Self, Twitter is a sewer pile of pestilence. Only the worst utterances are made there." And you'd be right. It's the internet's most smelly dumpster. But like a dumpster, it's also honest. People reveal who they truly are while wearing the mask of anonymity. It's a paradigm brought forth by the digital age.

Another example. When I shared the tweet with my hot take that Democrats may worship the devil, I got this reply:

I don't think Eagle Man is a parody. People like that exist. They may not say such things to your face, they're not brave enough. Seems there's an overlap with cowardice and evil, but that's a subject for another time. What's said online openly is felt offline privately. People don't behave offline as they do online, but that's not because they don't want to. "Eagle Man" and his trollish ilk are the kind of people who teach who proudly indoctrinate children.

Lest you think the above example is a one-off, no:

The extremist abortion ban in Texas is a ban on abortion once the baby's heartbeat is detected. Not the mother's heartbeat, which is separate from her child because we're talking about two human bodies. One heart per body, that's the science. Not to be confused with TheScienceTM which Democrats leverage to control people's every waking moment. Actual science. One X or Y chromosome from a father's winning sperm, one X chromosome from the mother's ova and voila. Human life begins. Not to be confused with a swath of cloth over your nose and mouth somehow saving lives and once you're seated at a restaurant it's no longer needed, because the virus is nothing if not polite and respectful of diners. Actual science.

I digress.

Democrats are so blood thirsty, they would rather keep a tight hold of murdering children up until birth (and sometimes after, here's looking at the Democrat Governor of Virginia), while calling it "choice."

But enough about abortion, a topic of evil we've covered relentlessly.

We haven't even gotten to Joe Biden's actions in Afghanistan, or the Democrats obvious aversion to pity for American lives lost. But since we're here...

The now infamous Biden turning his back on Americans walk off followed an angry address in defense of his abysmal Afghanistan withdrawal, an address also filled with plenty of blame thrown at "his predecessor" while dismissing the hundreds of Americans left behind in Afghanistan. My, what an admirable man.

Remember, just my opinion, Joe Biden is a cold-hearted piece of shit. A cold-hearted piece of shit whose handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal resulted in the "low hundreds" of Americans abandoned there, and 13 American lives lost in a terrorist attack. "Low hundreds" was said as though it was no big deal. A wave of the hand. "Just a few hundred of Americans, let's talk about COVID restrictions so we can save lives." Same crowd.

Then there's the behavior of Democrats, especially expressed toward Gold Star families. Rather than pretend to give a the tiniest of craps like a narcissist would at the minimum, Joe Biden and apparently the people running Biden, diverted the attention back to Biden's loss of his son Beau. Who died of cancer. Not in the line of duty because a President Dentures did a fuck up. Taking a tragedy of one family and spinning it back to yourself. Classy.

Democrats don't care about American lives. They don't care about American lives lost because of their Democrat policies. They care only about their agenda. An agenda not concerned with spreading goodness, but an agenda devoted to tightening control.

We didn't even get into the governors Gretchen Whitmer, Gavin Newsom, or pervert Andrew Cuomo. Whose collective black records also indicate, in my opinion, a predilection for the immoral. But I linked all their names just in case you wanted to spring merrily through their recent records.

It was one thing to vote Democrat last November because you didn't like Trump. It's one thing to have been relieved Joe Biden would hobble into the White House after January 6th. It's another thing entirely to still drive about town in a Nissan Leaf with an Biden Harris sticker still stuck to that back bumper.

Democrats stopped pretending who and what they were years ago. But in the last few weeks and even months, they've paraded their contempt for Americans proudly. You cannot be blinded to this evil anymore. To accept what the Democrats are, to approve of what they have done, indicates you might just be made of the same immoral fiber woven within them.

from Steven Crowder Says