Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Gov. Greg Abbott Signs Voter Integrity Bill Into Law, Ending Saga of the Texas Failure Democrats

Gov. Greg Abbott Signs Voter Integrity Bill Into Law, Ending Saga of the Texas Failure Democrats
Brodigan - September 07, 2021 at 01:35PM

It's all over. The runaway Texas Democrats have officially failed. SB1, Texas's commonsense voter integrity reform, has been signed into law. The comedy of Texas Democrat errors ended the way it was going to end. With the video below. Governor Greg Abbott signing into law the bill Democrats ran away to stop.

Let's recap the summer. Texas Republicans went to pass commonsense voter integrity reform. Democrats didn't have enough members to stop it. So they ran away from home. They ran to Washinton, D.C., to try to get Joe Biden to help. Outside a speech where he called half the country racist, Biden got distracted by the dookie that someone left in their underpants. He forgot the Texas Democrats were even there.

The only thing Democrats accomplished in D.C. was causing a super-spreader event when a bunch of them caught the 'rona. But Americans cared less about that than they did it causing a rift between Chachi and Fonzie.

The Texas speaker of the House authorized FIFTY-TWO arrest warrants to bring the runaway Democrats home. The runaway Democrats eventually crawled back home in abject failure. The final embarrassment was today as Gov. Abbott signed the bill. We can only hope he wrote the words "suck it" as part of a signing statement.

As for SB1 itself, the media is still claiming that it takes away voting rights. Here are the most egregious examples of the "new Jim Crow" CNN chose to cherry-pick.

  • Bans 24-hour and drive-thru voting
  • New vote-by-mail ID mandates
  • Bans officials from mailing unsolicited mail-in ballot applications
  • Empowers poll watchers
  • New requirements for assisting voters
  • Monthly voter roll checks

Blocking those commonsense reforms that make sense to anyone not a lying leftist douchecanoe is what this was all about. That is what the failure runaway Texas Democrats brought shame to their families for generations to come over. To paraphrase the greatest living former president, what complete losers.

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