Wednesday, October 6, 2021

WATCH: Jim Breuer Does Hysterical Four Minutes Mocking People Still Living in Fear of COVID

WATCH: Jim Breuer Does Hysterical Four Minutes Mocking People Still Living in Fear of COVID
Brodigan - October 06, 2021 at 07:09AM

Jim Breuer is a respected comic in the industry. Yes, regardless of what panic porn-addicted leftist trolls have to say on Twitter. As Dave Chappelle teaches us, "I don't give a f*ck. Twitter's not a real place." Breuer is a funny dude. He's also someone who made news standing against his fans being discriminated against. Liberal twats doubled down on their hatred as Breuer doubled down against the Fauci Ouchie mandates. "C*VID is no laughing matter," Fauci fanbois chirped as they banged away on their keyboards. As Breuer shows in this clip, yes it is.

Okay, so the actual virus isn't funny. But mocking people still living their lives in fear over it totally is.

It's funny. The people who will say those four minutes aren't funny will instead think Stephen Colbert dancing with needles is funny. Or will prefer Jimmy Kimmel's jokes about how the v*x-hesitant should all die. Those same people also didn't think the late Norm Macdonald was funny when he did eight minutes of 'rona jokes at the start of the whole Wuhan brouhaha. We also had Jon Stewart's brilliant lab-leak bit being accused by alleged scientists as literally doing damage to the science literally. There's no accounting for taste, I suppose. The people with the worst taste are the people who feel comedy is when someone repeats their worldview back to them and makes fun of Donald Trump.

Those of us with actual taste just want to laugh.

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