Friday, October 8, 2021

Three You May Have Missed: Tucker Rants, School Masks, and Everyone Hates Biden

Three You May Have Missed: Tucker Rants, School Masks, and Everyone Hates Biden
Brodigan - October 08, 2021 at 01:52PM

Everyone has a busy life. We know you don't always have time for ALL the quality content we deliver to you at the Louder with Crowder Dot Com website. Keeping that in mind, here are three posts you may have missed. I'm sure we'll be circling back to them in the months to come.

Tucker Carlson gave the Biden DOJ both barrels over declaring concerned parents "domestic terrorists"

"Why did the DOJ issue this letter? Because they received a complaint from the National School Board association, huge donors to the Democratic Party. That complaint cited that citizens were upset over the teachings of critical race theory and masking of children. The group wrote to the Biden administration and said that some of the actions against school boards could be equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes."

Over 50% of Americans think the Biden Administration isn't competent

"I can't imagine why people think Biden is incompetent. Other than the border, Afghanistan, anti-science school mask mandates, having had more people died from the 'rona than Trump, wanting a socialist expansion of government, and paying people not work. Outside of all those things, Joe Biden was still never competent. He's been in government for 217 years. People should have known this already."

The world's worst teacher forces pre-k students to sing a pro-mask song

"School mask mandates are a contentious issue. It shouldn't be. But some people are pro-science and some people are pro-school mask mandates (written in part by anti-science unions). More offensive than thinking school mask mandates are a 'necessary evil' for the troubling time we live in? Acting like masking four-year-olds is a good thing that should be celebrated and/or a reason for indoctrination. That's the only reason I can imagine a "teacher" would a) think this is appropriate, b) record it because she's proud of herself."

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