Monday, October 18, 2021

SHOW NOTES: Joe Rogan CONFRONTS CNN Doctor Sanjay Gupta Over Ivermectin LIES!

SHOW NOTES: Joe Rogan CONFRONTS CNN Doctor Sanjay Gupta Over Ivermectin LIES!
Brodigan - October 18, 2021 at 09:15AM

We're breaking down the viral interview between Joe Rogan and CNN's two-faced Dr. Sanjay Gupta. Plus, a new study found the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is now only 3% effective! And what the heck did Biden say about kids NOW?!

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  • Sanjay Gupta talks about the vaccine with Joe Rogan. SOURCE: YouTube
  • Gupta admits Rogan is RIGHT about his natural immunity.
    • This claim is backed up by the study from Israel which found those who had naturally caught Covid were 27x less likely to be reinfected with symptomatic Covid than those who had been vaccinated. To be fair, this study did also push for one shot even after being infected with Covid. SOURCE: Science
    • Remember that study that found Pfizer's effectiveness dropped to just 42% in July? SOURCE: MedrXiv
      • The sample size was n=25,000 each vaccinated vs. unvaccinated
      • But it had a HUGE confidence interval of 13%-62%
      • Meaning - the actual efficacy for the population has a chance of being ONLY 13%.
      • A few weeks ago, CNN reported the efficacy has gotten even worse. SOURCE: CNN
      • Pfizer's effectiveness against infection has dropped to just 20% after 4 months.
  • A new and not-yet peer-reviewed study of 620,000 military veterans found the Johnson and Johnson vaccine fell from 88% effectiveness against disease in March to just 3% effectiveness in August. SOURCE: MedrXiv
    • The FDA advisory committee also recommended all adults receive a booster of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. SOURCE: NBC
    • Over the weekend, The Daily Beast reported a healthy 21-year-old died of COVID-induced pneumonia 6 weeks after his initial infection. SOURCE: The Daily Beast
    • Which begs the question, if breakthrough infections are "so rare"...why did the CDC stop tracking all but the most severe breakthrough cases in May? Wouldn't continuing to track ALL of them and showing the public just how rare they are effectively squash these "conspiracy theories"? SOURCE: Pro Publica
  • The NIH owns the patent on the spike protein used to develop the vaccines and has an agreement with Moderna to develop the vaccine. SOURCE: Nature
    • NIH Director Francis Collins discussed this in an interview last May during the early stages of vaccine development. SOURCE: Economic Club
    • And this isn't a novel idea! In 2005, it was revealed that Fauci and his deputy, Clifford Lane, received payments relating to their development of interleukin 2 as a treatment for HIV/AIDS. SOURCE: NIH
    • This was after Fauci was extremely slow to acknowledge the effectiveness of Bactrim in alleviating pneumonia in AIDS patients, despite its safety profile and his wide influence during the AIDS epidemic, according to author and HIV activist Sean Strub. SOURCE: HuffPo
    • In 2000, the CDC found Bactrim reduced incidences of PCP pneumonia in AIDS patients by 40%. SOURCE: LATimes
    • And Bactrim, AKA Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, is now the recommended preventative against PCP pneumonia. SOURCE:


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