Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller Puts His Money Where His Mouth Is, Gives Masterclass in Leadership

Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller Puts His Money Where His Mouth Is, Gives Masterclass in Leadership
Joseph Gunderson - October 13, 2021 at 09:22AM

There's a real lack of leadership in this country these days, most notably from inside the white house, where our drooling, barely sentient president can barely manage to compose a single coherent thought. But this void exists elsewhere, too: in our military.

After the Afghanistan withdrawal fiasco went tits up, many Americans wondered how it could have gone so wrong. Who the hell would greenlight such a circus? Well, none other than that mentally-addled old man occupying the white house! And man what an awful circus it was. Biden and his underlings managed to hand the entire country over to the Taliban, get 13 US service members killed, and erase two decades worth of blood, sweat, and tears in an ill-conceived attempt to finally give his administration a win. He didn't get the win. It doesn't look like he ever will get a win. Biden is a loser.

But it wasn't until after the entire operation went up in metaphorical and literal flames that those around the decisions made started pointing fingers at each other. "It was the State Department's fault!" "No! It was the Defense Department!" "Nu-uh! It was the white house!" It was like a bunch of children screaming at mom after something got broken. Simply put, it was f*cking embarrassing.

Needless to say, there were heads that should've rolled, and one Marine Corps officer made as much perfectly clear. Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller went viral after posting a video of himself calling for accountability:

"I'm not saying we've got to be in Afghanistan forever, but I am saying: Did any of you throw your rank on the table and say 'hey, it's a bad idea to evacuate Bagram Airfield, a strategic airbase, before we evacuate everyone"

For his trouble, the Lt. Col. had a gag order placed on his and was subsequently locked up for violating it. Fast forward to Oct 12, and Scheller, who has served in the United States Marine Corps for 17 years and is looking at charges for various violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, plans to plead guilty.

Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller Jr. is going to stick to his call for accountability and plead guilty to several charges in his Marine court-martial, according to one of his attorneys Tuesday.

I'm gonna say it now: this man is a badass! Being a veteran myself, I have had the pleasure of serving with a few great officers, but I would've loved to serve under this dude! It's easy to talk the talk—generals, who are little more than politicians in military garbs, do it all the time—but this guy walks the walk like no other! If our generals and politicians had a fraction of the integrity this marine has, this country would be in a far better place.

Semper Fi, devil dog! America can see what leadership and accountability really looks like now. Let's start forcing this example on our government!

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