Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Cops Harass Australian on Empty Beach, Claim Sunbathing is 'Non-Essential' Reason to Be Outside

Cops Harass Australian on Empty Beach, Claim Sunbathing is 'Non-Essential' Reason to Be Outside
Brodigan - October 13, 2021 at 10:52AM

In the before time, the bygone era of pre-2019, you didn't need an essential reason to be outside. Being outside was the essential reason. We need fresh air and sunshine to survive. Science (as opposed to "the" science) says so. The idea of police ticketing you for laying on a beach was preposterous. But those were the before times. It's now 2021. Australian authorities rub each other's nipples while coming up with new authoritarian ways to control the citizens. One of the sillier ways is by harassing people on a mostly empty beach. Sunbathing goes against the public "health" order.

At least the dude got a laugh out of it. While the fully dressed law enforcement officers stood in the sand, wearing masks and trying not to think how absurd they sound.

At least the Aussies are starting to laugh over how ridiculous this is. Imagine having to be the authority and pretending this conversation makes sense.

COP: Show me your ID.

DUDE: I don't have it. I'm only wearing a bathing suit.

COP: I need to see your ID to give you a ticket.

DUDE: For what?

COP: Being outside, against the public health order. You could catch the coronavirus out here.

DUDE: But there's no one here. Look around.

COP: Sir, it's for your public health.

DUDE: Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound?

COP: Yes.

DUDE: ...are you crying

COP (sobbing):

It's funny because the guy is laughing about it and because it isn't happening in this country. At least, not yet. But it's frightening that in any country, getting a tan is considered an act of civil disobedience. Blocking people from the sun was a Mr. Burns joke from The Simpsons. In Australia, it's to protect the public "health."

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