Sunday, October 17, 2021

George Takei Lashes Out at Chappelle's Netflix Special, Immediately Proven Wrong by the Netflix Special

George Takei Lashes Out at Chappelle's Netflix Special, Immediately Proven Wrong by the Netflix Special
Brodigan - October 17, 2021 at 09:25AM

George Takei became the latest person to lash out about Dave Chappelle's Netflix special, "The Closer." Takei also became the latest person to criticize the special who clearly did not WATCH the special. Maybe Zulu was upset after being embarrassed by William Shatner. He decided to come for some of Chappelle's smoke to try and save face. Spoiler: he failed.

Here's Takei's boilerplate complaint:

"If Dave Chappelle had so blatantly attacked another minority group, such as Asians, Muslims, or Jews, would Netflix have so readily stood by his artistic freedom? It's hard not to feel like trans people are considered fair game in today's America. This is why we must speak out."

M'kay. Chappelle didn't blatantly attack anyone. He told jokes as comedians are known to do. Bitter, humorless leftists consider that "attacking." So, for sake of argument, let's go with that. Here is Chappelle "blatantly" "attacking" Asians. I wrote about this on the website because from a comedic writing standpoint it's flawless.

Dave Chappelle: The Closer - Space Jews pt1

In all these cases, not just the LGBTQ parts, Netflix stood with Chappelle's creative freedom. Now, there is an argument to be made Netlfix only stood by Chappelle because Chappelle makes them millions and millions of dollars. If it were someone other than Chappelle, Netflix would have caved to the woke leftist assclowns attacking them on Twitter weeks ago. To quote the most brutally honest thing Chappelle said, "I don't give a f*ck. Twitter's not a real place."

Chappelle "blatantly" "attacked" and/or told well-crafted jokes about everyone. There's only one group upset about it because one group is used to getting their way whenever they complain loud enough. The irony being, that is the entire premise behind Dave Chappelle's "The Closer."

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