Wednesday, September 15, 2021

US Gymnasts Testify About Nassar Abuse and How the FBI Screwed Them

US Gymnasts Testify About Nassar Abuse and How the FBI Screwed Them
Courtney Kirchoff - September 15, 2021 at 12:27PM

When I watched McKayla Maroney's testimony before congress about how the FBI not only mishandled her case, but actually lied about her case (according to her), I couldn't help but think of two terms feminists throw around too casually: patriarchy and rape culture. Because it seemed pretty obvious to me that a coalition of corrupt men protected each other so that sexual abuse of girls and young women could either continue or be covered up. Which helps it continue. This played out at a national level and went all the way to the FBI. A law enforcement agency. The federal law enforcement agency refused to do right by these girls, and yet we turn to them for justice? Think about it as you watch the following. Let's start with some highlights.

Gosh, I dunno Senator. Maybe people being held accountable for their actions and this abuse never happens again? As an idea.

It gets worse, of course:

So multiple women have been abused and it was covered up. Even as the FBI was supposedly investigating this.

Aly Raisman's full opening testimony:

The FBI failed these ladies. Oh heck, it seems like the FBI actively screwed these ladies. The same for US Gymnastics. And like Raisman says, it's not like the evidence wasn't readily available. It was right there. But the organizations and agencies tasked with protecting these girls didn't. This isn't just a failure, this is criminal abuse.

McKayla Maroney goes as far as to say the FBI actually fabricated their report in order to protect the abuser and malign the victims.

And lastly Simone Biles' opening statement:

It took the Indianapolis Star to break this story. Would abuse have continued had that paper not broke what was going on?

Let me give the mic to Greg Price for a bit. He sums this up best:

We say "Don't trust government" around here a lot. I guess what I need to ask is, when was the last time we were actually able to trust them? So why do we keep looking to government to fix what government broke?

I'm glad these ladies testified so we could all hear their stories about how the FBI and their various gymnastics organizations harmed them. But honestly, what will change? Not a rhetorical question. I'm assuming that like the actions in Afghanistan, media will hope we forget about this.

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