Monday, September 13, 2021

SHOW NOTES: Lil Nas X VMA DEGENERACY & Debunking Biden’s AUTHORITARIAN Vaccine Mandates!

SHOW NOTES: Lil Nas X VMA DEGENERACY & Debunking Biden’s AUTHORITARIAN Vaccine Mandates!
Courtney Kirchoff - September 13, 2021 at 09:06AM

Welcome to another week of insanity, America. We're talking all things VMAs, Trump's Triller fight, Fauci's latest mistruths, that crazy CNN doctor, and breaking down COVID vaccines. Joined by mega guest Ben Shapiro!

What do you think about Biden's claim this is a "pandemic of the unvaccinated?"


Remember when MTV played music videos? We don't either. But apparently there are still awards for videos on MTV, and we've gone from "I wanna hold your hand" being edgy to gay men pantomiming being sodomized in a steamy shower. It's called progress. Or something.

  • Ever the class act, Lil Nas X also praised himself on Twitter for his win: SOURCE: Twitter
  • And lest you think this is a one-off, another female singer, Normani, displayed equal levels of degeneracy. SOURCE: Twitter


  • Over the weekend, fans at the Holyfield vs Belfort fight chanted "We Love Trump," followed by a chant about the most popular President in history, Joe Biden. SOURCE: Twitter
  • This patriotic chant has also been making the rounds at college football games.


  • Remember that drone strike in Afghanistan that killed up to 10 civilians? SOURCE: Twitter
  • On Friday, a New York Times investigation revealed the drone strike killed an Afghan aid worker named Zemari Ahmadi, NOT an "ISIS facilitator." SOURCE: NYTimes
    • He allegedly worked for an NGO that distributed food and water to needy citizens.
    • The day of the drone strike, Ahmadi was caught on video filling containers of water to distribute to his neighborhood. SOURCE: Twitter


  • Over the weekend, Dr. Fauci had NO answer for why Americans who were previously infected with COVID should get the vaccine. But just mandate it anyway. SOURCE: Twitter
  • But this didn't stop him from signaling his support for mandatory vaccines for air travel and public schools. SOURCE: DailyMail


  • You've probably seen this crazy commie doctor cited as an authoritative source on CNN. SOURCE: Twitter
  • She also claimed unvaccinated Americans don't have the right to travel. SOURCE: Twitter
  • What's funny is there actually IS a Right to Travel, established by the 1999 case Saenz v Roe. SOURCE: CornellLaw
    • And it includes the right of citizens to move freely between states.
    • So this doctor advocates for stripping citizens of their rights based on vaccination status. Sounds a little like medical fascism.
  • And then the really funny part is in January of 2020, she wrote this article, alleging the flu is more lethal than COVID. SOURCE: BaltimoreSun
  • She was head of Planned Parenthood for less than a year from 2018-2019. SOURCE: CBS


  • Did you know, the Emergency Use Authorization of the COVID-19 vaccines requires no existing safe and effective treatments? SOURCE: FDA
  • And a paper published in the Lancet in May of 2020 that said Hydroxychloroquine didn't work for COVID was retracted after the authors were unable to confirm the data was accurate. SOURCE: TheLancet, CBS
  • Recent increases in COVID cases have been attributed almost entirely to unvaccinated Americans, including by our Former Vice President Joe Biden.
  • Evidence suggests that is disingenuous, given that as many as one third of recent infections are among the vaccinated. SOURCE: BostonHerald.
    • In June, NBC news declared a victory for the Black Feet Nation having achieved a 98% vaccination rate. SOURCE: NBC
    • The CDC also attributed a thirty-three fold reduction in COVID-19 incidence in the Black Feet Nation from Oct 2019 to Nov 2020. SOURCE: CDC
      • "Enforcement of stay-at-home orders and mandated use of face coverings in public, with potential fines and jail for noncompliance."
      • Fines for being unmasked were set at $500, and fines for breaking quarantine were set at $5,000 SOURCE: BlackFeetNation
    • So that's great! They destroyed COVID! Except BlackFeet Nation reissued mask mandates on Aug 16, 2021 after 18 new cases were reported. SOURCES: USNews, BlackfeetNation
  • Data from Israel reflects this concerning trend.
    • As of August 31st, 78% of Israel's eligible population had been vaccinated SOURCE: HAARETZ
    • But in August, half of the 600 Israeli COVID cases had received two shots of vaccine. SOURCE: Reuters
    • In June, the UK also reported 26 deaths among 4,087 cases of the fully vaccinated from Feb to June 2021 vs. 34 deaths in 35,521 cases in unvaccinated. SOURCE: PublicHealthEngland
    • As of August 16th, 60% of gravely ill COVID patients in Israel were fully vaccinated. SOURCE:
  • An August preprint study conducted by Mayo Clinic employees found the Pfizer vaccine was only 42% effective against infection in July. SOURCE: Medrxiv

from Steven Crowder Says