Monday, September 6, 2021

Rose McGowan Tweets at Hillary Clinton That She Was in Bill Clinton's Hotel Room: 'Here Comes the Bomb'

Rose McGowan Tweets at Hillary Clinton That She Was in Bill Clinton's Hotel Room: 'Here Comes the Bomb'
Brodigan - September 06, 2021 at 10:06AM

Actress Rose McGowan is one of the most vocal critics of the Democrat establishment. It began at the start of the #MeToo movement when she came out as one of the most prominent names sleaze bag producer and prominent Democrat donor Harvey Weinstein allegedly got rapey with. She also called out the Democrat hacks running #MeToo for being complicit. Now the actress is living extremely dangerously. She's calling out Hillary Clinton.

This isn't quite tweeting "I have information that will lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton." But it's pretty damn close.

Hillary Clinton. You are a shadow leader in service of evil. You are the enemy of what is good, right and moral. You represent no flag, no country, no soul. You eat hope, you twist minds. I've been in a hotel room with your husband and here comes the bomb.

What McGowan's talking about is anybody's guess. We know that Bill Clinton's a whore who is fond of women that aren't his wife. Though, allegedly, the feelings aren't always consensual. McGowan has in the past been vocal in her disdain for Hillary's husband when he said he didn't owe Monica Lewinsky an apology. Monica was the intern that Bill, who was president of the United States at the time, treated like a humidor. Literally. He took a cigar and stuck it in her ... actually, just Google it.

I don't think the actress is a sudden pro-life advocate. What she's talking about in the tweet ... who knows. Was she in a hotel room with Bill Clinton recently? Or does she mean back in the day when Clinton used to pal around with Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, and whatever underage girls they were (allegedly) trafficking at the time.

I just hope Rose McGowan has her affairs in order and is on video saying how much she loves her life and would never end it. People who cross Hillary Clinton sometimes wind up suiciding themselves.

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