Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Report: Our Government Lost 33% of Migrant Kids Who Illegally Crossed the Border

Report: Our Government Lost 33% of Migrant Kids Who Illegally Crossed the Border
Brodigan - September 01, 2021 at 05:11PM

Joe Biden has been busy screwing up things in Afghanistan. You may have lulled yourself into believing he, or the government he controls, is no longer screwing up along the border. That is, unfortunately, not the case. Our government is still making a mess of things. Or, things are operating the exact way the Biden government wants it to. It depends on how cynical you feel like being. Like, "our government losing children" cynical.

According to Axios, the US Government is unable to get a hold of 1 in 3 minors who they have placed somewhere in America. Point of reference, this is the same Axios who broke the story ICE released 50,000 illegals into the wild and were shocked not many came back. Now we're missing children. But hey, at least they're not in cages we don't call "cages!"

Here's how it's supposed to work. The kid crosses the border illegally. They get put into a shelter along the border. Some of them will either be reunited with their families or get placed in foster homes. This is where the problem is. According to Axios, care providers are required to check in with either the child or the sponsor. One in three of those calls are going unanswered.

The percentage of unsuccessful calls was 26% in January and went up to 37% in May. So it's not that the government suddenly lost the kids. They were losing at least 26% of them. It's just that the government is losing more of them now. Also during this time, 65,000 unaccompanied minors crossed the border, and July set an all-time record. However, Axios only provided data up until May. Unanswered calls jumped 9% during the first five months. It's anybody's guess if that percentage increased through July.

Mark Greenberg, who ran Obama's unaccompanied minors program, told Axios that, and I quote "This is very dismaying." Yes, I would think it would be.

The Axios article does not get into what is being done about this now. If asked about it at tomorrow's press briefing, I'm sure Jen Psaki will claim this is an emotional issue for Joe Biden because he too lost a child. Beau Biden. Perhaps you've heard of him.

So for those of you who were worried we had ALL of our best and brightest running foreign policy, rest assured. We still have a few from the smart set processing illegal children as well.

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