Friday, September 10, 2021

GOP Governors Tell Joe Biden Where to Stick his Unconstitutional COVID Edicts

GOP Governors Tell Joe Biden Where to Stick his Unconstitutional COVID Edicts
Courtney Kirchoff - September 10, 2021 at 08:59AM

On Thursday night, President Joe Biden paid homage to a famous European dictator from the late 1930s and 40s by blaming a group of people for the nation's problems. Don't worry, I'll draw more comparisons later. And yes, this is how it starts. Separating a group from the rest, blaming them for everything that's going wrong, then finding a solution for them to be properly "dealt with." It's fine if you disagree, I just am past the point of arguing with people. But I digress. Quickly promising to push back on Biden's tyrannical edicts were a handful of GOP governors. It is up to the citizens of these states to make sure these governors do more than squawk on social media.

Hat tip to The New York Post for assembling these remarks.

Ladies first, Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota:

Despite what Matt Walsh said, Kristi Noem received GOP adulation in 2020 because, unlike many other states including Ron Desantis' Florida, South Dakota never shut down. Not a single mandate. Unfortunately since then, Noem has backslid a little in misunderstanding the role she plays in protecting the people from overreach coming from private businesses. Hopefully Noem sees the danger and is willing to bring back her 2020 fire.

Governor Brian Kemp of Georgia had this to say:

That's a good start, but Georgians, pursing legal options shouldn't be the end of it. Help Kemp out: don't comply. Then make sure you hold his feet to this fire. Your freedom depends on it.

My new governor in Texas, Greg Abbott has stepped it up here, so he now has more of a record to roll on. I can't help it, I am who I am. He alerted Twitter he's already working to steamroll (last one, I promise), Biden's insane mandates. Looks like it's also a call to the nation to GTFO out of whatever pit you're in and head to his. The "right to choose" line is good, too.

In Arizona, where last I knew, mask mandates were laughed at because triple digit temperatures will do that, Governor Doug Ducey issued a statement:

Joe Biden has failed us on COVID. He ran for office on a promise to 'shut down the virus.' He has failed on this, much as he has failed on the border crisis and in Afghanistan. So now, President Biden's plan is to shut down freedom.

COVID-19 is a contagious disease, it is still with us and it will be for the foreseeable future,. President Biden's solution is hammering down on private businesses and individual freedoms in an unprecedented and dangerous way.

President Biden's dictatorial approach is wrong, un-American and will do far more harm than good. How many workers will be displaced? How many kids kept out of classrooms? How many businesses fined?

Yes, Biden's plan is to shutdown freedom. We can't let him.

Then, Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts got all outraged by Biden's words, saying on The Ingraham Angle: "The president's forgotten we live in America. He thinks we live in the Soviet Union. And the hypocrisy of this is just unbelievable. We have weekly phone calls with the governors and the White House staff. The president has never once been on any of those, and yet he's got the gall to tell us that we're not fighting the pandemic? I can tell you, Nebraska will push back, fight back with any tool we can find against this huge, stunning overreach of federal power."

Incorrect, Pete. Joe Biden knows he's in America and is trying to fundamentally change it. If we've learned nothing else from the Democrats, it should be how much they despise freedom and want to usurp it with dictatorial rule. That's the only way to explain Biden and the Democrats' behavior.

America is led by the consent of the governed. That means you. I you don't like it, you can change it. If your governor is listed above, keep the pressure on. If your governor isn't listed above, put the pressure on. If your governor agrees with Biden, GTFO as quickly as you can.

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