Thursday, September 2, 2021

Florida Stands for Freedom: If Businesses Demand to See Your V*cc*ne Status, They Will Be Fined $5,000

Florida Stands for Freedom: If Businesses Demand to See Your V*cc*ne Status, They Will Be Fined $5,000
Brodigan - September 02, 2021 at 09:41AM

Over the past eighteen months plus fifteen days, we've seen many different examples of leadership. Or, "leadership" in finger quotes. We're going to center around Americans and their personal health choices, and whether or not you got a "Fauci Ouchie." In New York City, Bill de Blasio has ordered all businesses to discriminate against you if you didn't get your arm jab. In Joe Biden's White House, they are (allegedly) discussing restricting you from traveling throughout America without a shot.

Then in Florida, you have America's Governor Ron DeSantis. He passed a law that if businesses try to discriminate against you, they'll need to pony up to a $5,000 fine.

"Promises made, promises kept," DeSantis spokesperson Taryn Fenske tells the Associated Press. The fines start on September 16.

DeSantis' work in dealing with v*cc*nated people is not without controversy. Earlier this year, when DeSantis was doing too good of a job of getting needles in people's arms, the media attacked him for not getting people v*cc*nated the way the federal government told him to. Then, after making it clear to Floridians that the Fauci Ouchies are available and where they can get them, the media attacked him for providing a not-v*cc*ne treatment to anyone who may have caught the 'rona.

Florida is currently's ranked 19th in v*cc*nations. This is ahead of Democrat-run, Joe Biden-voting states like Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan.

The thing is that while America's Governor encourages you to get shots, DeSantis also respects your right to make your own personal medical decisions. If a business tries to discriminate against you because of it, they're going to have to pay up.

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