Thursday, September 9, 2021

Australia's Health Official Looks Forward to the New World Order. Yes, She Actually Said 'New World Order'

Australia's Health Official Looks Forward to the New World Order. Yes, She Actually Said 'New World Order'
Brodigan - September 09, 2021 at 07:37AM

Australia's public health chief, Dr. Kerry Chant, in a press conference about Australia's lockdowns, referred to the new world order. The words "new," "world," and "order" came out of her facehole in that order. I'm currently at a loss for what to say. Other than "Really, b*tch?"

"We will be looking at what contact tracing looks like in the New World Order … yes, it will be pubs and clubs and other things if we have a positive case there."

Point of information. Dr. Kant is the same specimen who told Aussies not to talk to people during the few opportunities they were allowed to go outside. Wikipedia defines the New World Order as "a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government."

It's very similar to the conspiracy theory of using the pandemic for the "Great Global Reset." That's another wackadoodle theory. But at least when Justin "I Feel Pretty" Trudeau was talking to the United Nations he had the sense to not say "great reset." He only viewed the pandemic as a great opportunity to reset the global economy. Two different things.

As "new world order" started trending, Twitter was quick to flag it as a conspiracy theory. And not mention the reason for it tending was because a government official referred to post-pandemic life as the "new world order."

One would like to think that if Dr. Kerry Kant were a part of the New World Order, she wouldn't talk about the new world order. As Wikipedia tells us, it's a conspiracy theory about a totalitarian government. And Dr. Kant is a government official on a continent where they *checks notes* are building "health" detention centers, making people register to be allowed to visit family, and mandating citizens download an app that makes it easier for both the government and the police to track their movements. Oh, and the army is going door to door with the police to make sure people are home.

I forget where I was going with this.

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