Friday, September 3, 2021

Australian Arrested for 'Incitement' of 'Unlawful Gathering,' Yet Somehow That's Not the Scary Part

Australian Arrested for 'Incitement' of 'Unlawful Gathering,' Yet Somehow That's Not the Scary Part
Brodigan - September 03, 2021 at 08:44AM

Australia is an authoritarian hellhole. How the country that gave us koala bears, Toni Storm, and the Wiggles can turn into such a police state is beyond me. Yet yesterday we find out the country is developing a mandatory tracking app that will send police to arrest you if you leave your house. Even my most moderate, milquetoast friends were saying "dude, what the f*ck" over that one. The video that follows shows what police are doing even WITHOUT that app. Monica Smit is an anti-lockdown activist. She broadcast herself getting arrested for incitement.

I'm sorry, I mean for "incitement." The implied finger quotes are necessary.

Take a minute to think about activists in this country inciting "peaceful protests." And the damage those "peaceful protests" cause. Have that image in your head? Good.

Smit is accused of "inciting" two "unlawful gatherings." One drew at least 4,000 people. The other, 90 people. That's ten less than a hundred.

How did this radical incite such protests, the "most violent" that Australia has seen in twenty years? By sharing messages on the Telegram app such as:

"I suggest wearing masks to any events this weekend. Wear them until you're in a big group and then take them off. It's not cowardice it's smart."

"We're not just protesting lockdown, we're celebrating freedom. Let's have a party, bring something that makes noise."

"The protest WASN'T a flop … the police just upped their game … THE PEOPLE WERE THERE."

Those were the most outrageous, beyond the pale, disturbing messages that the media felt worth reporting.

Also, Smit is being charged with "three counts of contravening the chief health officer's directions." I believe the American equivalent would be telling Anthony Fauci he looks like an uncircumcised penis on three different occasions. Because in America, we have something called the First Amendment. Just like you're allowed to yell "fire" in a crowded theater if there's a fire, you can tell Fauci he looks like a wiener with too much foreskin since he does.

Authorities in Australia are pulling people over in their cars and arresting them for social media posts and free assemblies. Imagine what they'll start doing with the app the government will mandate all citizens download on their phone.

Now take a long, hard look at YOUR government.

from Steven Crowder Says