Tuesday, October 5, 2021

World's Worst Teacher Forces Children to Sing Creepy Pro-Mask Song

World's Worst Teacher Forces Children to Sing Creepy Pro-Mask Song
Brodigan - October 05, 2021 at 08:14AM

School mask mandates are a contentious issue. It shouldn't be. But some people are pro-science and some people are pro-school mask mandates (written in part by anti-science unions). More offensive than thinking school mask mandates are a "necessary evil" for the troubling time we live in? Acting like masking four-year-olds is a good thing that should be celebrated and/or a reason for indoctrination. That's the only reason I can imagine a "teacher" would a) think this is appropriate, b) record it because she's proud of herself.

Let's recap some of our pro-mask mandate highlights. We have grown-ass adults forcing mask mandates on children they have difficulty following themselves. We have school board members doing a dance when they get school mask mandates enforced. We have this idiot claiming unmasked children are weapons of mass destruction. Now we have a chorus of children — every single one of whom looks miserable — being forced to sing the praises of the reason they are miserable.

All while it was reported this week that the CDC's mask guidance is the most strict in the world. American unelected government bureaucrats want any kid over the age of two masked up whenever they leave the house. The rest of the planet thinks that's nuts. Other countries advise against it. The Biden administration claims its guidance is based on "the science" and point to studies ... that the researchers who authored the studies have stated don't say what the Biden administration says they do.

I'd like to think we can find common ground in believing masking up children is NOT something to be celebrated in song. I'm apparently wrong.

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