Saturday, October 16, 2021

William Shatner Doesn't Set Twitter to 'Stun' When He Unloads on George Takei Over Spaceflight Criticism

William Shatner Doesn't Set Twitter to 'Stun' When He Unloads on George Takei Over Spaceflight Criticism
Brodigan - October 16, 2021 at 07:48AM

William Shatner went to space for real, and George Takei was cranky about it. That's the news. Film at 11:00.

It appears that Takei has had beef with Shatner ever since Star Trek. I don't think Shatner had beef back because he's William F'n Shatner. Shatner, known for boldly going where no man has gone before as Captain Kirk, had the opportunity to go to space for realsies this time. Successful billionaires who have made truckloads of money being successful are funding trips to space, while unsuccessful people remain on the ground, whining about it and voting for Joe Biden. Shatner took the opportunity to actually go up in space. When reached for comment Takei, known for being a bitter old man, couldn't help himself being bitchy about it.

Here's what Takei said, as per the New York Post:

"So 90 years old is going to show a great deal more on the wear and tear on the human body, so he'll be a good specimen to study. Although he's not the fittest specimen of 90 years old, so he'll be a specimen that's unfit!"

It trended all day on Twitter. Zulu was being insubordinate to Captain Kirk. I don't think William Shatner really cared. He just went to space and was busy living his life, being William Shatner.

But people kept bothering him for a comment, so Shatner obliged via Twitter. For an older man, Shatner is actually well versed in the fighting style of Twitter snark. I believe this is what his grandkids would call "clapping back."

"Don't hate George. The only time he gets press is when he talks bad about me. He claims 50+ years ago I took away a camera angle that denied him 30 more seconds of prime time TV. I'm giving it back to him now by letting him spew his hatred for the world to see!"

I don't get it. But also, I never liked Star Trek or understood people who did. I was always more of a Star Wars guy. My favorite moment in Star Trek was when they essentially destroyed the entire previous Star Trek universe in the 2009 reboot, and Trekkies cried about it. Though, to be fair, whatever good things about Star Wars that George Lucas didn't destroy with Jar Jar Binks Disney destroyed by being Disney. I forget where I was going with this. Other than, in the immortal words of William Shatner himself, "Get a life. All of you."

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