Friday, October 1, 2021

Whoopi Goldberg Lashes Out at LeBron James, Essentially Says Either Support Vaccines or Shut Up and Dribble

Whoopi Goldberg Lashes Out at LeBron James, Essentially Says Either Support Vaccines or Shut Up and Dribble
Brodigan - October 01, 2021 at 08:35AM

When two people you can't stand have beef with each other, it's proof God loves us and wants us to be happy. Today's left-on-left beef (non-budget edition) is between Whoopi "I wrote Meghan McCain's name in my Burn Book" Goldberg vs. LeBron "Forever owned by Michael Jordan" James. The talk show host demands the basketball player use his massive platform to validate her opinion. Otherwise, he should stop using his platform for other things.

LeBron came out recently and said that while he got a Fauci Ouchie, he felt it wasn't his place to tell other people what to do. Whoopi had a conniption. You would think the harpies on The View would understand why some people are hesitant. Yet here we are.

"It's not your job to tell people what to do, but you can suggest that you've figured out nobody grew a second head or a tail when they got the shot."

M'kay. No one who is hesitant thinks that. I'm fairly certain literally no one, but I don't want "fact" checkers coming back with a meme from an idiot. The concern most people have is that the vaccine was rushed, and the way everyone is demanding you take it no questions asked doesn't relieve those concerns. But I get it. Whoopi is making up an extreme straw man to make her point.

Whoopi issues LeBron a warning. Either speak out now or don't bother speaking out ever again. Laura Ingraham worded it differently when she famously told LeBron to "shut up and dribble."

"If you don't want to speak out, remember you said that, because it's going to come back and bite you in the behind when you want to talk about issues that are bothering you. Just know that people are going to come back and say, 'Well, why are you talking now?'"

I was close.

Pro-panic porn leftists were demanding LeBron speak out. He was this year's Taylor Swift, who the left demanded must speak out on the 2016 election. Then when Swift started getting all political 'n' stuff, we stopped hearing from her. But that's beside the point.

Liberals and the media (but I repeat myself) were so busy smearing MAGA fans as anti-vaxxers, they just assumed non-Trump fans would fall in line. Instead, NBA players are either speaking out against or defending their teammates who do. Democrats oh so hate it when that happens.

Whoopi's message to LeBron James is crystal clear: Only use his platform if Whoopi agrees with how he's using it.

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