Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Travis Tritt Doubles Down After Cancelling Shows Over Mandates: The Fear-mongering Narrative is Breaking Down

Travis Tritt Doubles Down After Cancelling Shows Over Mandates: The Fear-mongering Narrative is Breaking Down
Brodigan - October 19, 2021 at 01:55PM

Cheers to Travis Tritt. There have been a number of artists who have stood with their fans AGAINST promoters, politicians, and venues discriminating against them. But only a precious few have triggered the left enough to become a national news story. Jim Breuer did it. Eric Clapton did it not once, but twice. Now Travis Tritt did it. He even earned himself a hit-piece from a dickhead Rolling Stone writer I won't even bother linking to. The magazine hasn't been relevant since the debacle over their Stillwater cover story.

Tritt has been outspoken about the freedoms so many Americans have seen being taken from them in the name of a "public health" crisis. So he announced he was putting his money where his mouth is and would be canceling shows where his fans would be discriminated against over their personal health decisions. He said in a statement:

"Many people are taking a firm stand against these mandates around the country, and I wholeheartedly support that cause. I have been extremely vocal against mandates since the beginning. This is a sacrifice that I'm willing to make to stand up for the freedoms that generations of Americans have enjoyed for their entire lifetimes."

The internet went bananas. Tritt doubled down later that evening.

"The fear-mongering narrative is breaking down. People who stand up against this narrative scare the hell out of those who promote fear. Hold the line and stand strong."

If I could find a cowboy hate that fits my enormous cranium, I would be tipping it to Mr. Tritt. Some artists are pulling the "it's not me, it's the venues" card. Tritt has the stones to stand up and say no. It would be nice if more had the courage to do the same.

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