Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Oberlin Student Triggered By Maintenance Workers. They Were Cis-Males in a No Cis-Male Safe Space

Oberlin Student Triggered By Maintenance Workers. They Were Cis-Males in a No Cis-Male Safe Space
Joseph Gunderson - October 19, 2021 at 09:50AM

Every day that passes finds another leftist dope triggered by something new. In today's installment of Stupid Things to be Upset About, a student at Oberlin College writes a piece in The Oberlin Review detailing how a group of all-male contractors scared the bejesus out of him/her. I question the gender because, well, just keep reading.

Peter Fray-Witzer was caught off guard by an email on Oct 7 informing residents of his dorm that new radiators would be installed. Why was this such an issue? Well, Baldwin Cottage, the dorm Fray-Witzer calls home at the moment, is a special play. As the author explains in his cringey article:

"Baldwin Cottage is the home of the Women and Trans Collective. The College website describes the dorm as 'a close-knit community that provides women and transgendered persons with a safe space for discussion, communal living, and personal development.' Cisgender men are not allowed to live on the second and third floors, and many residents choose not to invite cisgender men to that space."

So, a handful of men were scheduled to do some maintenance on Fray-Witzer's building, and due to the literal ban of cisgender men on the second and third floors, Pete—and I think it's safe to say others in the dorm—were violated.

In the piece, Fray-Witzer complains that "the College had not made a special request that male workers not be allowed onto the upper floors". I guess we must seek gender parity in HVAC careers, now. Though many women would make far more money in such careers than they would earning degrees in lesbian dance theory, I don't imagine we'll see enrollments skyrocket anytime soon. I guess Peter will just have to deal with those big scary men for the foreseeable future. Poor kiddo.

The big question is: Are men really that scary? I mean, we can be a little rough around the edges, but in general, I don't think we're worth throwing such a hissy-fit over.

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