Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Joe Biden's Secretly Flying Migrant Children in the Dead of Night to Other States: Report

Joe Biden's Secretly Flying Migrant Children in the Dead of Night to Other States: Report
Joseph Gunderson - October 19, 2021 at 09:05AM

For a guy who is widely known for inappropriately touching and sniffing children, this just sounds terrible. It sounds like something a Reddit troll might make up, but this is reality, folks, and it doesn't get any weirder than that.

The NY Post has the scoop on this story, and as they put it:

"Planeloads of underage migrants are being flown secretly into suburban New York in an effort by President Biden's administration to quietly resettle them across the region."

I don't quite understand why such an action must be done in secrecy. I've been reliably informed by the Chucky-twin press secretary that the border is under control and functioning just fine.

Also, wasn't there something recently about Biden losing a bunch of immigrant children? I don't think I trust this administration with the border or children, let alone children from the border… And moving them in the dead of night… Something about the entire thing sounds off.

The children have been flown in from times ranging from nearly 10 p.m. to 6:30 a.m. and bused to several different locations in the surrounding areas. Some have met up with relatives or sponsors, and some have been dropped off at facilities all over New York.

I think it's safe to say, if your administration is forced to shuffle around migrant children under cover of darkness, there might be something wrong with your handling of the legitimate border crisis.

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