Friday, October 8, 2021

Joe Biden Celebrates United's Vaccination Rate ... Achieved by Firing Hundreds of People

Joe Biden Celebrates United's Vaccination Rate ... Achieved by Firing Hundreds of People
Brodigan - October 08, 2021 at 07:34AM

Joe Biden, in a stunning show of what Joe Biden supporters call "leadership," took away the rights of federal employees to make their own personal medical decisions for themselves. By doing so, Biden encouraged private businesses to take away the rights of THEIR employees to make their own personal medical decisions. That's the gist of what Biden is saying in this video. His "leadership" encouraged companies like United to make the 'rona v*cc*ne mandatory. People who didn't comply were fired. Joe Biden says United now has 99% compliance.

That sound you hear is hundreds of former United employees chanting F*ck Joe Biden! Clap clap! Clap clap clap!

United fired close to 600 people. Biden bragging about it would be like, say, the government caused people to be unemployed. The government put regulations in place that prevented people from working. Then, the government removed those regulations that caused people to become unemployed. This would be like Joe Biden claiming he created all those jobs that came back. Which they also did.

"But Brodigan, the 99% compliance is also because other employees were encouraged to jab themselves with 'the science.'" Replace the word "encouraged" with "bullied," and you have a point there. You're also an idiot if you think that's a good thing. You may agree with the bullying for this one specific issue. Perhaps you're one of the Democrats who are still the among the most misinformed about C*VID things. You probably watch a lot of CNN too.

People who aren't nincompoops see the problem with any president bullying his employees into making decisions. And then bragging that he's "encouraging" private businesses to do the same.

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