Thursday, October 14, 2021

Federal Judge: D.C. Department of Corrections Violated Civil Rights of January 6th Defendant Battling Cancer

Federal Judge: D.C. Department of Corrections Violated Civil Rights of January 6th Defendant Battling Cancer
Joseph Gunderson - October 14, 2021 at 01:15PM

Continuing a long saga of unequal treatment regarding what is now 37 defendants detained in the District of Columbia jail for charges related to Jan 6, U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth is calling for the attorney general to investigate violations of the civil rights of one such individual.

Setting aside the fact that this prolonged detainment of trespassers is unconscionable, the treatment of Christopher Worrell is particularly egregious.

Worrell, who hails from Florida, was arrested back in March. Since being arrested, it is argued by Worrell's attorney, the Department of Corrections has failed to provide proper medical care for the defendant. Worrell suffers from non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and was found unconscious with a broken hand on May 16. Since that day, his then-lawyer contended, the department had failed to provide proper medical treatment related to Worrell's cancer, nor has he received the necessary surgery for the broken hand.

The problem: the U.S. Marshalls control the transportation of federal inmates but require the surgeon's notes to approve the surgery. The Department of Corrections says that they have "made every effort to comply with the orders of District Court." And the Justice Department has stated that they have received the referral, but it had been declined.

But the judge isn't having it. "It is more than just inept and bureaucratic shuffling of papers," said Judge Lamberth. "I find that the civil rights of the defendant have been abridged. I don't know if it's because he is a Jan. 6 defendant or not, but I find that this matter should be referred to the attorney general of the United States … for a civil rights investigation."

Oh, I think it has everything to do with the fact that Worrell is a Jan 6 defendant. I also believe that with a political hack like Merrick Garland heading up the DOJ that very little—or possibly nothing—will be done to ameliorate this issue.

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