Monday, October 11, 2021

DOOCY Bombs Psaki: Joe Biden Is So Unpopular, Dems in VA Want Nothing to Do with Him. What's Up with That?

DOOCY Bombs Psaki: Joe Biden Is So Unpopular, Dems in VA Want Nothing to Do with Him. What's Up with That?
Brodigan - October 11, 2021 at 07:08AM

Joe Biden was the most popular president in United States history. On one day in November 2020. More and more people realize he sucks now. Joe Biden tries to hold on to his 81,000,000 votes like it's his four touchdowns in a single game of Polk High football. But it's 2021. A border crisis, an inflation crisis, an Afghanistan crisis, an anti-science school mask mandate crisis, a more people have died of the 'rona than under Trump crisis, and an incontinence crisis have sent his poll numbers in a downward spiral. It's gotten so bad — HOW BAD IS IT? — it's gotten so bad, his BFF Terry McAullife wants nothing to do with him. The Virginia gubernatorial candidate told Democrat activists that Biden has become a liability.

DOOCY asked White House soulesspokesginger Jen Psaki what the deal was. She answered stupidly, as you will see from this clip. My dramatic interpretation follows.

DOOCY: Joe Biden, a Democrat, is so unpopular in the Democrat state of Virginia that Terry McAullife, the Democrat gubernatorial candidate, told Democrat activists he should stay out of the state. Otherwise, the Democrats might lose the Democrat-voting state. Why is it that the people of Virginia are, to quote the popular vernacular, chanting "F*ck Joe Biden"?

PSAKI: That's poppycock. Joe Biden is the most popular person currently running for president in Virginia right now.

DOOCY: ... he's the only person running for president. And, wait, are you announcing that he's running for re-election?

PSAKI: Have I told you we all call you DOUCHEy behind your back?

I like to have fun "transcribing" what is said during the White House Press briefings. But Psaki actually called Biden the most popular person currently running for president. She also added in the most popular recent president. Get it? Because TRUMP! TRUMP is being so overused by Democrats as a boogeyman that even CNN is calling them out on it.

We'll find out in less than a month who is right. Maybe Joe Biden is the most popular person currently running for president in the state of Virginia. Or, maybe Virginia voters who voted Democrat in 2020 because ORANGE MAN BAD realize they were sold a false bill of goods.

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