Friday, October 15, 2021

Documents Show there was No Reason to Shoot Ashli Babbitt

Documents Show there was No Reason to Shoot Ashli Babbitt
Joseph Gunderson - October 15, 2021 at 09:43AM

What many of us have known about the lone death (read murder) on Jan 6 has been confirmed by the great people over at Judicial Watch, who sifted through over 500 pages of documents obtained from the DC Metro Police.

Eyewitness testimony contained in one of the documents tells exactly what happened at the moment Ashli Babbitt was unnecessarily shot and killed:

"Sergeant [redacted] observed a white, female protester was climbing through an opened area where the glass pane had been knocked out […] He heard a gunshot and this female fell backwards through the opening […] Sergeant [redacted] observed Lieutenant Byrd step back just after hearing the gunshot. He did not see anything in the female protester's hands prior to the gunshot."

Like Tom Fitton over at Judicial Watch, it sounds to me like the shooting was unjustified. And documents make it sound like Byrd knew just that at the time, as he was "visibly upset" following the shooting. I'd be upset, too, if I had just murdered a woman.

The left calls for officers involved in completely justified shootings to hang. But the media made this man out to be a national hero. I smell b*llsh*t. And it sounds as if Fitton does, too:

"These previously secret records show there was no good reason to shoot and kill Ashli Babbitt […] The Biden-Garland Justice Department and the Pelosi Congress have much to answer for the over the [sic] mishandling and cover-up of this scandalous killing of an American citizen by the U.S. Capitol Police."

Does anyone really believe the Biden DOJ will be doing anything about this anytime soon? Cricket, cricket… Yeah, me either.

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