Monday, September 13, 2021

Obama Health Official Ezekiel Emanuel Hints Forceful Vaccinations are Next

Obama Health Official Ezekiel Emanuel Hints Forceful Vaccinations are Next
Courtney Kirchoff - September 13, 2021 at 02:27PM

The second this is no longer about your body or your choice, since the premise from the pro-vaccination crowd is you not getting vaccinated is somehow killing them, the logical next step is the entire removal of choice. That means mandatory. That means by force. As in we're getting closer and closer to you getting jabbed against your will. Take it from one of Obama's health officials and former NIH bigwig, Ezekiel Emanuel:

"Courtney, are you saying authorities could come to my house, strap me down, and force an injection into me? Because that's never going to happen!" you may say. Have you seen Australia lately? They have concentration camps for problematic people, only the Australian authorities aren't calling them concentration camps, or the residents "problematic people." I'm doing that. Quibbling about the words shouldn't be the point. Examining what's happening to people who want to exercise body autonomy and free will however, is.

And yes, to answer your question, I do think people like Zeke Emanuel, Joe Biden, Jimmy Kimmel, this New York Times reporter, would love for your door to be smashed down and for you to be forcibly vaccinated. Yes, I do believe that. Think about this for a second: federal employees, including the military, who refuse the Fauci Ouchie will be terminated. That leaves only the pro-Biden regime followers, or those with weak wills. The kind of folks who'd either kick down doors happily, or ones that could be just as easily convinced to do so out of fear.

from Steven Crowder Says