Thursday, September 30, 2021

Stephen Colbert Can't Help Himself, Makes Terrible Rap Song Supporting General Milley and Treason

Stephen Colbert Can't Help Himself, Makes Terrible Rap Song Supporting General Milley and Treason
Team Crowder - September 30, 2021 at 04:01PM

Stephen Colbert didn't embarrass himself enough this week. Dancing v*cc*ne needles were pretty bad. But not as bad as this rap song celebrating General Mark Milley. A man who some say is guilty of treason. "Enjoy" doesn't sound like the right word. Just watch.

from Steven Crowder Says

Marjorie Taylor Green Says of Pelosi: 'We're going to kick that bitch out of congress!'

Marjorie Taylor Green Says of Pelosi: 'We're going to kick that bitch out of congress!'
Courtney Kirchoff - September 30, 2021 at 12:08PM

Women do not need to support other women simply because they're women. Just as men are not expected to support other men simply because they're men. The "women support women" concept is an annoying idea that I've always hated and think should shoot itself in the face. Women should support good ideas, be competitive in the workplace even against other women, and shouldn't shy away from confrontation against men or other women. You feminist trolls in the back hear me? Good. Let's move on to the point now. Marjorie Taylor Green from Georgia delivered a short but sweet little message to Madam Speaker Pelosi which is not necessarily classy, but neither is Pelosi. You'll want the volume on for this.

"I just want to say to Nancy Pelosi. She's a hypocrite. She's an anti-American. And we're gonna kick that bitch out of Congress."

Hell to the yeah.

Let's note Green is delivering this little speech not on the floor of Congress. Just as you wouldn't wear a string bikini to a five star restaurant, so you would refrain from calling the Speaker of the House a raving lunatic bitch in the House of Representatives. But Green isn't in the House of Representatives when she called Pelosi a bitch. She's at a campaign event. Her campaign event. Her place, her rules.

What other insult best describes The Pelositron 5000 better than bitch? I mean words you can say aloud. Yeah I can't think of anything else either. Bitch is an appropriate term for Pelosi, and I'm exercising my female privilege to both agree with Green and stamp this rallying cry with the Kirchoff Approval Brand.

One woman calling another woman a bitch is just as sexist as one man calling another man an asshole. Meaning it's not a sexist attack. It's an attack, sure. But insults usually are gendered. When was the last time you heard a lady call another lady an asshole, and when was the last time you heard a man call a man a "bitch"? He may have called the other man a "little bitch" or said "you're acting like a little bitch" but typically, men folk like to use their own gendered insults for each other.

Keep it up, Green.

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from Steven Crowder Says

SHOW NOTES: Special Guest ALEX JONES on the 'Great Reset' & Joe Rogan TRIGGERS Leftists AGAIN!

SHOW NOTES: Special Guest ALEX JONES on the 'Great Reset' & Joe Rogan TRIGGERS Leftists AGAIN!
Brodigan - September 30, 2021 at 07:29AM

Special guest Alex Jones joins Crowder and crew IN STUDIO to discuss the Great Reset, and Joe Rogan triggers leftists yet again over COVID tyranny!

from Steven Crowder Says

New Anti-DeSantis Ad Is So Hysterically Bad, It Should Be Considered an In-Kind GIFT to Ron DeSantis

New Anti-DeSantis Ad Is So Hysterically Bad, It Should Be Considered an In-Kind GIFT to Ron DeSantis
Brodigan - September 30, 2021 at 09:22AM

Social media giving everyone a voice has been a mixed bag. On one hand, it allows those of us with an opposing viewpoint to get past the filter of the news-entertainment industrial complex. On the other hand, it allows for anyone with copy of Adobe Premier to think they can be a media consultant too. Exhibit Q is this new "anti" Ron DeSantis ad. I put "anti" in quotes because this ad is so bad it should be considered an in-kind contribution to Ron's political future. Team DeSantis should send the people responsible a muffin basket to thank them for their support.

The group is called "Remove Ron" and it is warning people about the — wait for it — "Florever Purge." The following two minutes are so unintentionally hysterical, it would not surprise me to find out David Hogg is behind it. Just watch.

The DeSantis camp hasn't been this happy about someone attacking them since Samantha Bee opened up her face hole.

The concept is that DeSantis' commonsense, pro-freedom way of dealing with C*VID is going to lead to a purge. No doubt, these are the same ignorant Democrats who think catching the 'rona is a guaranteed death sentence. The video presents DeSantis' decisions like no school mask mandates as a bad thing.

The timing is also off. Much like last summer when the media claimed DeSantis was killing people, Florida's 'rona numbers are already on their way down.

As DeSantis spokesninja Christina Pushaw points out, "This dramatic decline in Florida COVID numbers began right after schools opened." Imagine that!

Three cheers to everyone responsible for "Remove Ron." On behalf of Americans who want Ron DeSantis to run for president, it's the support from people like you who will make it possible.

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from Steven Crowder Says

'Joe, You Suck': Biden Booed at Congressional Baseball Game, but It May Have Been by His Own Party

'Joe, You Suck': Biden Booed at Congressional Baseball Game, but It May Have Been by His Own Party
Brodigan - September 30, 2021 at 08:34AM

Good news for Joe Biden! An audience only booed him WITHOUT telling him to go f*ck himself. The way organized groups of patriotic dissenters have been going, I'd call this a win for the White House. This is good (for them) because they haven't had any others this week.

The most popular president ever paid a visit to the Congressional Baseball Game Wednesday night. Many fans in attendance were less than thrilled.

One could assume it's our people doing the booing. Or, our people plus independent voters. Polls for Biden have stunk worse than when he made Antony "Hey" Blinken change his old-man diapers before the U.N. General Assembly. There is a lot to boo Biden for. President Puddinghead said no getting back to normal unless 97% of Americans get the Fauci Ouchie. His generals confirmed under oath that he lied about Afghanistan. Plus his White House confirmed they don't understand how math works before they raise taxes on businesses.

Here's the thing though. His own party was in attendance and jeering the Democrats. THEY'RE afraid the Biden agenda, if anything is passed this week, won't be batsh*t crazy enough. It's been a distracting news week, so we haven't hit this on the Louder with Crowder Dotcom website yet. But progressive Dems and moderate Dems have a Tupac vs. Biggie thing going. They are arguing over whether the Biden budget will be $3.5 trillion or a more reasonable (in their opinion) $1 trillion.

Some leftists believe anything short of $3.5 trillion will literally kill them literally.

Everyone hates Joe Biden. You just hate to see it happen.

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from Steven Crowder Says

CROWDER: 'Apparently, unvaccinated health care workers were only heroes when they were twerking on TikTok'

CROWDER: 'Apparently, unvaccinated health care workers were only heroes when they were twerking on TikTok'
Tarah Price - September 29, 2021 at 02:02PM

The vaccine mandate went into effect for New York health care workers and the unelected governor of New York, Kathy Hochul, had this to say about getting vaccinated:

I prayed a lot to God during this time and you know what? God did answer our prayers. He made the smartest men and women, the scientists, the doctors, the researchers. He made them come up with a vaccine. That is from God to us. And we must say thank you, God. Thank you. And I wear my vaccinated necklace all the time to say I'm vaccinated. All of you, yes, I know you are vaccinated, you're the smart ones. But you know there are people out there who are not listening to God and what God wants. You know who they are. I need you to be my apostles. I need you to go out and talk about it and say we owe this to each other. We love each other. Jesus taught us to love one another. How do you show that love but care about each other enough to say please get vaccinated because I love you and I want you to live? I want our kids to be safe in our schools. I want you to be safe when you go to the hospital.

According to Crowder, the mainstream media is trying to paint the actions of Gov. Hochul as the queen sending in help to keep New Yorkers from getting sick.

In this episode of "Louder with Crowder," Steven argued that the governor abused her executive power to send in the National Guard because she needed to replace nurses who would not comply with being mandated to take the vaccine.

"Apparently, these health care workers were only heroes when they were twerking on TikTok," Crowder noted.

Watch the clip to hear more from Crowder. Can't watch? Download the podcast here.

from Steven Crowder Says

Video Perfectly Illustrates the Thought Process of Pro-Mandate Fauci Zealots

Video Perfectly Illustrates the Thought Process of Pro-Mandate Fauci Zealots
Brodigan - September 30, 2021 at 07:48AM

Here's the deal. The YouTube has released new censorship guidelines, so I'm sure Facebook has followed suit. Some of us have gotten a little too chirpy in our criticisms of a certain V-word that rhymes with "maxine." Big Tech has declared, as far as I can tell, any criticism of the maxine to be anti-max. All in the name of the CDC and the public "health" crisis. However, as of now, making fun of anti-freedom, pro-mandate, unhinged, leftist, Fauci zealot nincompoops has NOT been declared a public "health" crisis. So I present to you this video.

It's an accurate portrayal of the people who demand you stick needles in your body for their own safety. I'm 99% sure it's a parody.

I'm pretty sure it's a parody. But are any of us really sure? We've seen people not only cancel their doctors for contradicting the media but brag about doing so as if they aren't the a**hole. A high school treated two students not wearing masks as if it was an active shooter situation. One unhinged specimen believes unmasked children could be biological weapons of mass destruction. It's well within reason to believe that Becky and Karen would see a barista not wearing a mask, get hopped up on a pumpkin spiced latte, and tell TikTok they hope everyone without a Fauci Ouchie dies a painful death. This video is a parody. The interwebs is lousy with videos that aren't.

We might not be free to talk about the maxine or why people are maxine-hesitant. But we can still laugh at crazy people obsessed with you getting your maxine. We have that going for us. For now.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Marine Who Criticized Leaders Over Afghanistan Is in Prison, and His Parents Are Speaking Out

Marine Who Criticized Leaders Over Afghanistan Is in Prison, and His Parents Are Speaking Out
Brodigan - September 30, 2021 at 07:00AM

Someone has been jailed for the Afghanistan debacle. Someone has been jailed over Joe Biden's gross incompetence. Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller. He's the Marine who spoke out against the incompetence. His parents, Stu Sr. and Cathy, spoke to Tucker Carlson on Wednesday to share his son's story.

To be clear, Scheller isn't in the brig for the original video. He was given a gag order not to speak on social media after the initial video of him criticizing leadership. He broke that gag order over the weekend and was arrested for that. It's still bullshit. It's full-on bullshit, without an asterisk replacing a vowel in case kids are reading. I just want to make sure everyone knows the specific reason why it's bullshit.

Also, Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller was arrested on Monday. On Tuesday, two general testified under oath that the president of the United States lied to the American people about Afghanistan. Even though they avoided saying the word "lie" as best they could. Actually, let me be more precise. Joe Biden lied "in my opinion." Your opinion too. An "independent" "fact" checker might cite the White House spin that Biden didn't lie.

Stu Sr. told Tucker his son's crime was speaking truth to power, and the power didn't like it. He's also made this request of the American people:

"We're mad, we're mad as hell. And I'm asking the American people to find your voice. Stand up, demand accountability of your Congresspeople. Ask for Lieutenant Scheller to be freed. In my opinion, of course, I'm Dad, so it's probably not fair, but I think he should receive his pension after 17 years of fighting for this country. I think he and his family should have their health benefits and VA benefits for the rest of their lives for the sacrifices he's made."

Cathy asks the American people to keep her son in our prayers. I'll be fulfilling both of Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller's parents' requests. I hope you will as well.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

YouTube to Crack Down on Anti-Vaccine Accounts

YouTube to Crack Down on Anti-Vaccine Accounts
Courtney Kirchoff - September 29, 2021 at 12:33PM

In order to purge people from making the wrong choice, YouTube will now be removing and banning accounts they deem "anti-vaccine." That's an obvious problem for obvious reasons, but we'll get to that after the pull quotes from the MSN article.

YouTube is taking down several video channels associated with high-profile anti-vaccine activists including Joseph Mercola and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who experts say are partially responsible for helping seed the skepticism that's contributed to slowing vaccination rates across the country.

Trees for the forest arguers will say "YouTube is doing this for the public's own good." But when will YouTube remove content promoting "fat pride" since misinformation about being a chubby chonk is dangerous for people's health? Right. That will never happen because even if people overdose on the Reeses Cups this Halloween, that's still their choice. For the "yeah but someone's abundant skin rolls doesn't affect me like a virus does" you just stay tuned.

Misinformation researchers have for years said the popularity of anti-vaccine content on YouTube was contributing to growing skepticism of lifesaving vaccines in the United States and around the world. Vaccination rates have slowed and about 56 percent of the U.S. population has had two shots, compared with 71 percent in Canada and 67 percent in the United Kingdom. In July, President Biden said social media companies were partially responsible for spreading misinformation about the vaccines, and need to do more to address the issue.

Oh, Biden putting pressure on Big Tech could be leading to Big Tech putting pressure on the American people via taking giant steaming dumps all over their First Amendment rights. What could possibly go wrong.

Again, when will YouTube ban content for DIYers doing dangerous things because those videos may inspire people to do something themselves that they shouldn't? Oh, they're not. Why not if this is about keeping people safe?

YouTube didn't act sooner because it was focusing on misinformation specifically about coronavirus vaccines, said Matt Halprin, YouTube's vice president of global trust and safety. When it noticed that incorrect claims about other vaccines were contributing to fears about the coronavirus vaccines, it expanded the ban.

Policing content like this doesn't end well. Zoom out and stop focusing on this being "but it's just about vaccines." No. It's about what information or "misinformation" Big Tech and Big Government doesn't want you to know, to see, to consider, to discuss with your friends, family and cohorts.

If the vaccine actually acted like a vaccine, in that it inoculated you from a virus, mimicking the body's natural immune system's response to the virus, then that would mean a vaccine would actually protect you from the virus.

We're not really seeing that with the COVID "vaccine" though. Which is one reason the chicken shit vaccinated harpies are screaming for everyone else to get it to "protect them." That's really not how vaccines work. I'm vaccinated against measles, mumps and rubella. The MMR vaccination. Most of us are. The vaccine protects me from getting measles, mumps and rubella. Even if you have it.

When will YouTube crackdown on content promoting natural immunity? When will YouTube crackdown on content from doctors speaking out against the weird COVID measures? Oh wait, they're already doing that.

This is Nazi stuff, folks. Nazis burned books. That means the Nazis prevented people from certain information and view points. What the hell do you think YouTube and Big Tech are doing right now if not preventing people from accessing certain information and view points?

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from Steven Crowder Says

Bill Cosby Comes Out in Support of R. Kelly, Claims Singer Was Railroaded in Sex Trafficking Conviction

Bill Cosby Comes Out in Support of R. Kelly, Claims Singer Was Railroaded in Sex Trafficking Conviction
Brodigan - September 29, 2021 at 12:32PM

In blogging school, they teach you not to go right to the .gifs. But this is a story about Bill Cosby coming to R. Kelly's defense after Kelly was convicted of being a sex trafficker.

On Monday, disgraced pop star R. Kelly was convicted of nine counts of sex trafficking. My fellow oldheads will read that news and say ... he wasn't convicted before? This is a dude who, since the '90s, was said to have found nothing wrong with a little bump 'n' grind, even if it wasn't consensual. Or legal. He married former pop star Aaliyah in 1994 when she was only 15. People were cracking jokes about him urinating on girls and videotaping it as far back as 2004's Barbershop 2. Now, in 2021, a jury finally convicted him. He's facing up to ten years of being trapped in the closet.

Bill Cosby is, allegedly, a nonconsensual sex aficionado himself. Cosby was accused by over sixty women of drugging them and sticking his pudding pop in the people's chocolate. He was convicted and sent to prison for one of them. The conviction was overturned on a technicality earlier this year. Fresh out of jail, Cosby is taking up the cause of other "victims" of the judicial system.

Through his spokesman, Cosby had this to say about R. Kelly:

"The deck was stacked against Robert. His constitutional rights were grossly abused."

"No one fought hard for him and his attorneys didn't humanize him."

"This is a guy who made the song 'I Believe I Can Fly' when there were rumors about young girls. The song played at every wedding and in every church."

"He should have gotten better representation."

Somewhere in Chicago, a newly convicted R. Kelly can be heard yelling at his computer, "HEY, FAT ALBERT, SHUT THE F*CK UP! YOU AREN'T HELPING ME!"

Bill Cosby, fresh out of jail, needs to find things to do. Going on another comedy tour is out of the question. We can probably rule out a reboot of The Cosby Show. Please join me in praying to the gods of content that Bill Cosby takes it upon himself to be the one voice speaking out on behalf of celebrities convicted of heinous crimes. I want the Instagram LIVE between him and O.J. Simpson.

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from Steven Crowder Says

OH REALLY? Major Democrat: 'Parents Shouldn't Tell Public Schools What to Teach'

OH REALLY? Major Democrat: 'Parents Shouldn't Tell Public Schools What to Teach'
Courtney Kirchoff - September 29, 2021 at 11:49AM

Virginia Democrat Terry McAuliffe said the quiet part out loud, as my work bro Brodigan likes to say. During the Virginia governor's debate Tuesday night said that parents shouldn't tell schools what schools teach. Guess who funds public schools, though.

The comment came after his Republican contender, Glenn Youngkin, said parents should be more involved in what their children learn. I'm not parent, but that makes sense.

Glenn Youngkin is already out with an ad running with this moment.

Well played, Glenn.

Sure, we could wave our hands and roll our eyes while saying "McAuliffe is Virginia's problem." But that would be a mistake. If we've learned anything about Democrats, it's they're cut from the same dirty mask cloth. Take McAuliffe and drop him into your state and it's just as much of a problem. Democrats do not want parents involved in what your children are taught. But Democrats do want the money from parents to brainwash their children.

So long as public schools are funded by THE PUBLIC then the PUBLIC absolutely gets to decide what the schools teach. If Democrats do not want parents involved in what their children's education looks like, then I have a suggestion: allow parents to opt out of funding the school. This is known by another name: school choice.

Democrats hate school choice. Ah heck, Democrats hate choice period. Because if you have choices, you may not chose correctly. If you have choices, you may not chose to have Democrats brainwash your children through state schools. They can't have that. They can't have YOU teaching YOUR kids. You might teach them freedom and responsibility and not to blindly follow government.

Homeschool. Make it go mainstream.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Stephen Colbert's 'The Vax-Scene' Dance is so Cringe, Your Soul May Actually Leave Your Body

Stephen Colbert's 'The Vax-Scene' Dance is so Cringe, Your Soul May Actually Leave Your Body
Courtney Kirchoff - September 29, 2021 at 10:41AM

Oxymorons combine two opposite meaning words like "giant shrimp" or "pretty ugly." But what do you call the concept of "so bad it's good" or "so ugly it's cute" as I might describe a Pug? Whatever that concept is called, Stephen Colbert's "The Vax Scene" is teetering on the edge of it. I'm not calling it borderline good, but I am calling it so bad you have to see it. It's like that Jeff Foxworthy bit of "the courtesy sniff" that is guys having other guys smell something really bad. Call this the courtesy cringe. Everyone will be talking about it, and I can't leave y'all out of the fun.

To be fair, this apparently came out 3 months ago. But Jon Miller tweeted it in light of new rating numbers and now here we are again.

Think about this, because at Louder with Crowder we marvel at crap I can only describe as certifiable eye rape. Stephen Colbert's show probably has a writing staff with at least twelve people on it. Which means at least one person thought of this, and the other eleven added to it. Then producers and show runners were like "yep, do it, genius." Then Colbert agreed to it. Most likely in that order.

People who are paid, probably a lot of money, came up with dancing needles. Not even attractive needles. Hairy man needles. It's comedy, stupid. You wouldn't understand. LAUGH!

How many of you who are not beatified with the all holy Pfizer or Moderna are now convinced to bathe in the waters of the vax? How many of you who have dipped your toes into the blessed waters of the coronoavirus vaccine pools see this video and feel like you're part of something larger and greater than yourselves? How many of you who are somehow undecided, suddenly decided one way or the other after seeing this video?

The above are purely rhetorical questions. For as a woman who prides herself on guessing, my guess is zero minds were changed, zero laughs were had, but all eyes rolled. It's just that bad. The only people who think "this is some good shit right here" don't recognize good shit if it took a dump right in their open mouths. But my guess is those same people do enjoy such exercises.

COVID isn't the worst of our problems after all.

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from Steven Crowder Says


Brodigan - September 29, 2021 at 09:08AM

COVID panic turned Australia into a FASCIST state, and we're breaking down just how this happened. Caitlyn Jenner was shot down on "The View" for daring to value personal freedom, and General Milley's treason got even worse!

from Steven Crowder Says

Vaccinated Cop Quits Over Mandates with Poignant Message of Support for His Unvaccinated Brothers

Vaccinated Cop Quits Over Mandates with Poignant Message of Support for His Unvaccinated Brothers
Brodigan - September 29, 2021 at 09:06AM

2021 isn't 2020. In 2020, around 6:00 every evening, we stood on our front porches banging pots and pans together to show support for our health care workers. In 2021, half of us stand on our front porches banging pots and pans to remind our health care workers how hated they are for not getting vaccinated. 2020, they were going through hell as heroes. In 2021, they are fired for not sticking a needle in their arms. 2020 was hell for police as well, and in 2021 they too are getting fired for not abiding by mandates. Not Deputy Bailey from the King County sheriff's office. He quit.

He's vaccinated. But the mandates and the way his hesitant brothers are being treated was one thing too many. Deputy Bailey had this poignant message to share, blasting the department's "leadership" as well.

"I'm done. Twenty-three years in the united states Army prior to this. About ten years as a cop. And I think that after all the stuff that we've been through — the defund, the de-hate, the demotivation of cops — all the stuff that they put us through, I still went to work every single day motivated and ready to do my job. I didn't care that other people from outside of the organization didn't care for us. It was all about the family. But when it started to become toxic from the inside, when people stopped caring for each other on the inside, it was too much for me."

Think about all the anti-cop hatred people like Deputy Bailey had to deal with in 2020. Especially in Washington State. Yet now in 2021, because some officers don't want to make a personal medical decision being mandated by the government, they're being treated like shit and tossed aside. The unvaccinated are treated with contempt. It's the directive being sent from Joe Biden on down.

Deputy Bailey won't be the last. That's the bigger pandemic our country is facing.

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from Steven Crowder Says

NPR Is Big Mad Over Fox News Reporting on Brian Stelter's Ratings Failure. Yes, THAT Brian Stelter

NPR Is Big Mad Over Fox News Reporting on Brian Stelter's Ratings Failure. Yes, THAT Brian Stelter
Brodigan - September 29, 2021 at 08:09AM

In recent years, news outlets have started hiring "media correspondents." These are people whose job it is to criticize how other news outlets report the news. It's stupid, but so is much of the media. Brian Stelter, who wrote a book about Fox News, is CNN's media correspondent. Fox News reported that Stelter's ratings are in the toilet. Apparently, people are not interested in seeing a genderless potato head complain about his prettier and more popular competitors.

David Folkenfilk is NPR's media correspondent. He wrote a book about Rupert Murdoch, who founded Fox News. Folkenfilk is big mad Fox News would tweet out a news article about TV ratings.

Three things come to mind. Outside of NPR's media critic getting upset that a news outlet would report on ratings news.

One, the Fox News article states that Stelter's Reliable Sources only averages 738,000 viewers. Monday's episode of Louder with Crowder, where we reported on CNN's Chris Cuomo being accused of sexual harassment, drew 744,000 viewers.

Two is this inconvenient tweet. Brian Stelter sharing a CNN link about Fox News's rating downturn.

Third, and probably most importantly, IT'S BRIAN F'N STELTER. He doesn't exist without Fox News.

Really, all media correspondents should just make out with each other and get it over with. That way I can turn on Tucker Carlson and watch him make fun of them for it.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Jason Aldean Unloads on Biden-Supporting Troll Who Called His Kids 'POS' for Wearing Anti-Biden Shirt

Jason Aldean Unloads on Biden-Supporting Troll Who Called His Kids 'POS' for Wearing Anti-Biden Shirt
Brodigan - September 29, 2021 at 07:25AM

Jason Aldean is one of the top superstars in country music. He's got a killer acoustic cover of Bryan Adams' "Heaven" that you should put in your ears. He's also someone who tends to keep his political opinions to himself. His based wife Brittany Aldean does the exact opposite. She's someone whom you might find at a Crimson Tide game leading a 'F*ck Joe Biden' chant.

Brittany shared a picture of her family, three-fourths of whom were wearing anti-Biden shirts. Scroll to the right of this Instagram post to see the Aldean kids strutting in "Hidin' from Biden" shirts.

If I were a kid, I would want to hide from Joe Biden too. He may try sniffing me. I might be stuck smelling him too if Jen Psaki didn't have a chance to change his old-man diaper. A pro-Biden troll was unhappy with these fashion choices and lashed out at the Aldeans in this now-deleted comment. I found these presumed screen captures on the YouTube.

"OK and his MOTHER put this on him. Which will teach him to be what? A piece of shit… it starts young. How else did Hitler teach the younger youth to become murderous heathens then by makings things like this."

Joe Biden stans have a habit of attacking children if they aren't wrapping them in masks. At least this incident only happened online. There have been other times when Biden supporters assaulted children. Under normal circumstances, a celebrity wouldn't waste his time responding to trolls. But this broad called the Aldean children pieces of sh*t. You don't come after a man's family and not expect consequences. Even if those consequences are just an award-winning artist exposing you for being a garbage human on the 'Gram.

Jason Alden responded: "Watch your mouth lady! We teach our kids what we think is right and what we think is best for their future. If you think what is happening now is 'great' for the future of our kids and grandkids, you are delusional."

That, my friends, is what we call a mic drop. Now, everyone can go back to what they were doing. Jason Aldean can go back to sold-out shows. Brittany Aldean can go back to teaching their sons that dissent is the highest form of patriotism. "Monstor_gurl" can go back to pretending Joe Biden hasn't been a miserable failure.

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from Steven Crowder Says