Sunday, January 2, 2022

Teachers’ Union Sends Out  Press Release Full of Typos, Gets Send Back by Parent with Corrections

Teachers’ Union Sends Out  Press Release Full of Typos, Gets Send Back by Parent with Corrections
Joseph Gunderson - January 02, 2022 at 08:22AM

We’ve been getting glimpses into the brains of so many educators, as of late, but most of them have just demonstrated a certain amount of disconnection from reality, like this woman who calls parents terrorists in the course of singing her childish song or this guy who believes behaving well is a mark of white supremacy.

But maybe those two know their stuff—maybe aside from being unpleasant, they actually know what they’re teaching. Meh, doubtful—but there’s a chance. Well, now we have teachers showing every parent just how competent they are by putting out a press release rife with errors.

Reading, writing, and math: that’s all we ask of our teachers. Maybe some artistic electives but really just the big three. And this letter proves they can’t be bothered to be proficient in the first two.

This letter reminds me of the days I spent working in a university writing center. It’s poorly constructed, full of inane errors that shouldn’t be occurring after high school, and would certainly get a passing grade in a composition course because, well, college is stupid and gives passing grades to stupid people.

As reported by Hot Air, “Some of these are formatting and style demerits (such as an Oxford comma alert, near and dear to my pedant heart), but there are a number of flat-out comma faults as well. Plus, no one apparently told AEA president Ingrid Grant the difference between ‘are’ and ‘our’.”

Would you want the author of this letter to teach your children how to read or write? What about all the people who were passed up so she could be president of the organization? I’m sure they’re no better.

Aside from the atrocious writing, the content of the letter—which is surprisingly still discernable through all the elementary mistakes—is completely ridiculous. It claims that returning children to the classroom—and especially indoor lunch (oooh, scary)—will put teachers at risk of catching the dreaded omicron variant and, perhaps, result in a super-spreader. (Cue the dramatic du-du-du[mb]!)

Except, the omicron variant has proven to be quite mild, and no one is dying from it (at least to my knowledge or those over at Hot Air).

So, what can the parents in the Arlington Public Schools expect after this laughable letter? I’d expect to see the national teachers’ organizations echoing the same bullsh*t and the CDC coming up with some reason(s) why remote learning is necessary. God knows the government cares more about the teachers’ demands (regardless of how asinine they are) than they do about the needs of students.

Save yourself the headache and homeschool your kids. They’ll almost certainly receive a better education, you escape the leftist insanity, and everyone can watch as the public schools fall apart. Everyone wins!

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