Thursday, January 20, 2022

Watch: Kamala Harris Refuses to Answer 'Today Show' if Joe Biden Thinks the 2022 Election Will Be Legitimate

Watch: Kamala Harris Refuses to Answer 'Today Show' if Joe Biden Thinks the 2022 Election Will Be Legitimate
Brodigan - January 20, 2022 at 08:30AM

Donald Trump refuses to accept the legitimacy of the results of the 2020 election. That is bad and beyond the pale and literally destroying democracy, literally. Democrats STILL refuse to accept the results of the 2016 election and the results of the 2018 Georgia Governor's race. That's considered patriotic dissent and/or equity. But in both cases, it's happening after the results. On Wednesday, Joe Biden challenged the legitimacy of the 2022 elections eleven months BEFORE the results. And Kamala Harris continued the above-average-sized lie on "The Today Show."

TODAY SHOW: So, when Joe Biden said that the 2022 elections won't be legitimate if his agenda isn't passed, he didn't really mean that, did he? Like, really, really mean it? For reals?

KAMALA HARRIS: Mayhaps. It all depends on if the senate votes for our federal takeover of elections.

TODAY SHOW: They didn't.

KAMALA HARRIS: Well, there you go.

TODAY HARRIS: It's just that, we in the media have been loyally attacking Republicans who have questions about 2020 as being insurrectionists. How do we spin Joe Biden questioning election results eleven months before they happen? Help us help you.


There is an above-average chance Jen Psaki pulls an "Ackhshually, what they meant to say was..." after getting into the tequila before today's press briefing (EDIT: The ackshually has begun). But if I were a betting man, this is the new White House talking point. Pass our agenda, or the results of the 2022 midterms where we are projected to get our asses kicked won't be legitimate.

To appreciate how reckless that is, take the way Democrats violently reacted in 2017 to Donald Trump being sworn in. Multiply it by the past twelve months of liberals and the media (but I repeat myself) saying the Republicans are trying to steal democracy. Now, pour gasoline over it for the next eleven months. That's the game Joe Biden and/or the people who control Joe Biden are playing.

We just have to see how obedient and complicit corporate media is going to be in it.

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