Thursday, January 27, 2022

Justin Trudeau Attacks Canadian Truckers Protesting for Freedom, Claims They 'Hold Unacceptable Views'

Justin Trudeau Attacks Canadian Truckers Protesting for Freedom, Claims They 'Hold Unacceptable Views'
Joseph Gunderson - January 27, 2022 at 08:35AM

Canadian Prime Minister Justin “I like to dress up in blackface” Trudeau has been pushing his country of mild-mannered Canucks to the brink as he’s stripped them of their liberties and forced upon them various restrictions in the name of public health. Trudeau believes COVID has given him the opportunity to remake Canada in his preferred image, and sometimes that requires breaking a few eggs and jailing a few religious leaders.

It requires crushing one’s citizens under one’s boot. And, as we’ve seen with several countries these past few years, including here in the US, it requires completely discrediting any opposition. To that end, the preeminent soyboy has come out to denounce the “small, fringe minority” of truckers who “hold unacceptable views.”

“The small, fringe minority of people who are on their way to Ottawa who are holding unacceptable views that they are expressing do not represent the views of Canadians who have been there for each other, who know that following the science and stepping up to protect each other is the best way to continue to ensure our freedoms, our rights, our values as a country.”

I love how the “follow the science” line has managed to cross all international and cultural boundaries. It’s the one line these tyrants keep beating to death as though it actually means something. But Trudeau does you one better: he says “following the science” is the only way to ensure freedoms and rights. Which, for his part, seems to be what he believes. Slavery to “the science” is the key to freedom, perhaps. I swear I’ve read something like that in a book somewhere.

But as Theo Fleury explains on Fox News, “In Canada, we have one of the biggest revolutions happening.”

“Right now, there’s 50,000 truckers and 1.4M people headed to the parliament in Ottawa. And they’re going to stay there until Trudeau resigns, or they give us back all of our freedoms and rights.”

Although I’m a little dismayed it took so long for our friends to the north to grow some spines—better late than never—it doesn’t seem like there’s anything small or fringe going on here.

Fleury even posted a solid statement from “the truckers,” preempting many of the criticisms that would undoubtedly come down the pike, like “they’re just a bunch of anti-vaxxers!” Try again, idiots!

So, while Trudeau stuffs his stupid head in the sand (possibly to cover up the smudge of blackface on his cheek), calling the movement a “small, fringe minority,” it couldn’t be further from the truth. Drone footage of the convoy of truckers tells a different story, as do the groups of Canadians lining the roadways and overpasses to express their support for them. (But Trudeau probably knows that because he's been tracking them all.)

Hey, I hope they manage to force Trudeau out, or at least wrest their freedoms from his extremely soft clutches.

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