Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Watch: Joe Manchin Defecates All Over Democrat, Media Lies That Americans May Lose Their Right to Vote

Watch: Joe Manchin Defecates All Over Democrat, Media Lies That Americans May Lose Their Right to Vote
Brodigan - January 19, 2022 at 08:33AM

Every time Joe Manchin gets in front of a camera he takes a steaming dookie all over the left's hopes and dreams. On Tuesday, a reporter asked him what he says to "some people" who feel they are losing their right to vote because Manchin and Sinema are holding up legislation. The cornerstone of the left's repeated invalid truths about "voting rights" is that anything short of a federal take over will result in Republicans canceling elections and the end of democracy. Manchin says it's bullplop.

It's at the end of this video. Before that is a helpful reminder that Manchin agrees with a lot of the Democrat plot to federalize election. And much like Kyrsten Sinema, while it's enjoyable to revel in the misery Manchin causes leftists in this country, he still agrees with them on most things.

It's a decent answer. I give him a 7/10. But if it were me, I'd go in a different direction:

REPORTER: A lot of people out there say that you’re making it so that they’re not going to be able to vote in the next election. What do you say to them?"

MANCHIN (as portrayed by BRODIGAN): What people? Who are these people?

REPORTER: Me and every other liberal I know.

MANCHIN (as portrayed by BRODIGAN): To those people, I say I'm sorry my colleagues in the Democratic Party are lying to them, knowing so many in the media will swear by it. But, no. No one is losing their right to vote. Don't be stupid.

Joe Biden is scheduled to address the media today. No doubt Manchin will come up after this and after the president implied Manchin is a segregationist. I'm sure our puddingheaded president will have more invalid truths about the voting bill, as well. Pop popcorn.

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