Friday, January 21, 2022

Restaurant Shut Down After Employees Accept Dog Photos Instead of Vaccine Cards

Restaurant Shut Down After Employees Accept Dog Photos Instead of Vaccine Cards
Joseph Gunderson - January 21, 2022 at 09:39AM

Canada has been busy moving further into totalitarianism, arresting Christian leaders, telling parents to isolate children, and “diagnosing” any sick person with COVID just because. This is probably all to push Trudeau’s “Great Reset” wet dream. But some people are getting tired of the ridiculousness.

A restaurant in Alberta has been temporarily closed after employees were caught by undercover officials accepting photographs of dogs instead of proof of vaccination to dine at their establishment.

As the New York Post reports, “complaints were received … indicating that employees are allowing patrons to dine-in when presented with a photograph of a dog and personal identification.”

After being closed, The Granary Kitchen put out a statement via their Facebook page putting the blame on individual employees saying it was “an unfortunate circumstance” of “underage hostesses” flouting the mandates of the Canadian government. They went on to say they were retraining their employees.

An anonymous former employee said the post was “an absolute joke,” saying “It’s not a secret amongst [residents of Red Deer, Alberta], and people in the industry, that this place [The Granary Kitchen] was run a little bit looser than others.”

I wish they would have stood by their people. Just give the government a big middle finger. Make a statement. Instead, they choose to toss some kids under the bus to save their skins.

Canada better start growing some balls, though. This cowering under the Trudeau brand authoritarianism isn’t going to end well.

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