Monday, January 17, 2022

Social Justice Org Uses TikTok to Encourage Minors to Get Vaxed Behind Parents' Back

Social Justice Org Uses TikTok to Encourage Minors to Get Vaxed Behind Parents' Back
Brodigan - January 17, 2022 at 09:18AM

You, as a parent living in America, may have concerns about getting your child their Faucie Ouchie. It is true that Joe Biden, the CDC, and the CEO of Pfizer all say that "the science" says it's safe. But you, as a parent whose job it is to protect and look out for your kids, may disagree. Perhaps you are concerned about the lack of testing or the mere fact that the grown-up Fauci Ouchie isn't working in the way originally advertised. Whatever your reasoning, it's your reasoning. Far be it from me to challenge the science or your parenting decisions.

I just want to point out that in Australia, your kid can sneak out to get their jab behind your back, and a government-funded organization is using TikTok to encourage them to do so. In our "Pay Attention America" moment of the day.

This video is put out by the Youth Affairs Council Victoria. The youths are on a movie date, but one can't get in because her parents don't want her taking an experimental therapeutic. Her date tells her "you're fourteen, let's have a vax date instead." And they go to get her vaccinated behind her parents' back.

Here's where the American paying attention part comes in. The left has made it clear they are coming for our kids. See Public Schools, Marxist Indoctrination in. The left in America has also been very vocal in their belief that those of you who made different medical decisions than them are subhuman. A recent poll shows just how badly. Democrats have seen what's going on in other countries like Australia and love it:

  • 78% of Dems support a vax mandate.
  • 59% of Dems also favor unvaxxed people being confined to their homes at ALL times.
  • 45% of Dems favor internment at special facilities for those who refuse the vax.
  • 48% of Dems favor fining or IMPRISONING people who publicly question vaccine efficacy.

This is a dumb TikTok from Australia. But the sentiment is shared by leftists in this country, as well. This country, where your kids are on TikTok. And this country where, if we let them, the left would decide your fourteen-year-old should go behind your back if you have a different opinion from the government.

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from Steven Crowder Says