Monday, January 24, 2022

Watch: Lunatic Freaks Out on Anti-Mandate Protestors, Says They're Invading Her 'Territory' of Washington, DC

Watch: Lunatic Freaks Out on Anti-Mandate Protestors, Says They're Invading Her 'Territory' of Washington, DC
Brodigan - January 24, 2022 at 07:17AM

There was a huge protest in Washington, DC, on Sunday. Ackshually, there were two huge protests in DC over the past seventy-two hours. You may not have heard of either in the news since they went against MSNBC's and CNN's political agendas. Plus, because it was conservatives protesting, nothing was set on fire, there was no damage to private property, and everyone cleaned up after themselves. Friday was the annual March for Life. Sunday was a protest opposing vaccine mandates and any other government restrictions against Americans for their personal medical decisions. This crazy lady is angry about the latter group of protesters.

"My tax dollars are going to the police, to shut down the road, so that these f**king white supremacists..."

Quick side note, this is a photo of the "white supremacist" and anti-mandate protestor who captured this lunatic on camera.

Okay. Please continue.

"...can party and have a hell of a time celebrating their loser President."

She then put an L on her forehead like a five-year-old. Legit, that's what my five-year-old does when she does a little dance. This crazy lady didn't do a dance, though. That would have made her slightly saner. Also, she seems confused. No one was there celebrating their loser President. They were opposing their loser President's mandates. You know, kinda like how the Supreme Court did. And shockingly, Starbucks.

“Go the f*ck home. Stop invading our territory."

Her "territory" being our Nation's capitol where all the horrible mandates get voted on. Well, not really voted on. That would be democracy. They get mandated by unelected government bureaucrats. These peaceful protesters (as opposed to "mostly" peaceful protesters--everyone on Sunday kept their peacefulness a hundred) don't like those mandates. This is why they were in the city all the bad decisions come from to say "hey, knock it off."

What really sells this video is that Crazy Christina had HER camera out to film the people who were filming her. There was only one meltdown. And it wasn't from the people who think a five-year-old shouldn't be discriminated against for not getting their Fauci Ouchie.

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from Steven Crowder Says