Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Watch Dems Refuse to Applaud When Governor Celebrates Parents Say in Child's 'Upbringing, Education and Care'

Watch Dems Refuse to Applaud When Governor Celebrates Parents Say in Child's 'Upbringing, Education and Care'
Brodigan - January 18, 2022 at 07:19AM

Newly sworn-in Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin went right to work keeping campaign promises and triggering leftists who still don't grasp why he won. Thirteen executive orders later, it turns out Younkin meant it when he said parents should have a say in their child's education and well-being such as, just off the top of my head, not exposing one's kids to Marxism and anti-science mask mandates. Parents having a say in anything makes Democrats all boo-boo-faced. To drive their point home, here they are sitting on their hands while Republicans applaud parents' fundamental right to make decisions with regard to their child’s "upbringing, education, and care."

I'm not a n00b. One party sitting in silence while the other party applauds their leader is nothing new. It started with Nancy Pelosi's Democrats not applauding President Bush. The tradition has continued ever since. Both sides do it. Yackity, schmackity, it doesn't change the visual of Democrats NOT applauding parents having the right to raise their children. Those same Democrats will also be surprised to learn just how much the American people hate them and what they stand for.

Instead, they float ideas to abolish parenthood altogether. No, seriously. That's the new brilliant idea leftists are promoting. Take away your kids in the name of equity.

Parents will always put their children first, and parents vote. Democrats are the party who don't think parents have the right qualifications to be parents. That is the most important issue that differentiates the two sides as we go into the midterms.

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from Steven Crowder Says