Sunday, January 16, 2022

Glenn Youngkin Sworn In as Virginia Governor, Immediately Bans CRT and School Mask Mandates

Glenn Youngkin Sworn In as Virginia Governor, Immediately Bans CRT and School Mask Mandates
Brodigan - January 16, 2022 at 07:58AM

Glenn Youngkin was sworn in as Governor of Virginia on Saturday. The 2021 election feels like eleventy Biden crises ago. Youngkin was elected by appealing to parents across the ideological spectrum. He defeated Terry McAullife, who talked about Donald Trump a lot, was pro-teachers' union, and brought out Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to remind Virginians he agrees with Biden's agenda. That obviously didn't work out for him. Glenn Youngkin is now Governor Younkin. Terry McAuliffe is now drunk on rum somewhere.

Youngkin made a series of promises to Virginia voters, many centering on their kids and their freedom to decide what's best for their kids. The governor wasted no time in keeping those promises.

"Parents SHOULD have a say in what is taught in schools."

"Parents have a fundamental right to make decisions with regard to their child's upbringing, education, and care."

Then came the executive orders. The sweet, sweet executive orders, many of which, undid the last guy's executive orders. Eleven of them in total. Of note:

EO #1 restores excellence in education by "ending the use of divisive concepts, including Critical Race Theory, in public education."

EO #2 says good-bye to mask mandates, and leaves the choice to parents.

EO #4 promises to investigate Loudon County. And boy, is there a lot to investigate.

Then he also signed two executive "directives" to slash regulations that hamper the economy, and to rescind the vaccine mandate against federal employees.

What happens from here nationally will be fun to watch. In 2009, when voters rejected Biden's old boss's agenda by electing Chris Christie in New Jersey, it created a blueprint that showed Republicans how to appeal to middle-of-the-road voters. Don't roll your eyes. 2009 Chris Christie was a different cat than 2021 Chris Christie, and Republicans swept into power during the midterms.

The 2022 midterms are this year. The president who Youngkin essentially campaigned against only has a 33% approval rating. And Virginia, a state many wrote off as being reliably blue, just elected common-sense conservatives across the board. We shall be watching Gov. Youngkin's career with great interest.

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from Steven Crowder Says