Friday, January 28, 2022

Teacher Threatens to 'Throw a Kid at You' If You Oppose School Mask Mandates

Teacher Threatens to 'Throw a Kid at You' If You Oppose School Mask Mandates
Brodigan - January 28, 2022 at 07:49AM

It was a confusing week for school mask mandates in New York. Yes, the anti-science ones that are based on guidelines written by teachers' unions. One judge said they were unconstitutional. The next day, a different judge ruled "constitution, schmonsitution." During the confusion, this teacher recorded a video stating he was going to wear every mask he owned to be spiteful. And if you have a problem with it, he'll use your child as a projectile weapon.

You'd think by now that teachers would understand how the internet works and that, wherever you are, @LibsofTikTok will find you. Yet here we are.

"And nobody better try to mask shame me. If you're walking by and I have my masks on do not say a damn word to me because I will throw a child at you. I will pick up the first child that passes, and I will throw them at you. And you can scream real loud because you won't have a mask on."

When he says pick up a child, he means one of the students at the school at which he works. Or the school at which he USED TO work. Our dude here was escorted out of the building pending an investigation.

"Please know that the posts made by employees on personal social media accounts do not reflect the District's opinions, beliefs or values."

In the end, this teacher taught his students one final valuable lesson. Be careful what you share on social media.

He threw his career away over his own ignorance, though. If this knucklehead understood what "mask OPTIONAL" meant he would know that no one is going to mask shame him. He could wear eleventy-five masks, and no one would care. Parents just don't want them forced on their children.

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from Steven Crowder Says