Saturday, January 15, 2022

Jeffrey Epstein Not Only Visited Bill Clinton at White House Multiple Times, He Brought Women: Report

Jeffrey Epstein Not Only Visited Bill Clinton at White House Multiple Times, He Brought Women: Report
Brodigan - January 15, 2022 at 08:16AM

Bill Clinton was good friends with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. The former president was a frequent flier on Epstein's private jet named the Lolita Express. Meriam Webster defines lolita as "a precociously seductive girl." M-W also defines pedophile as "one affected with pedophilia, a sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object." It's previously been reported that Epstein was a frequent visitor to Bill Clinton's White House. According to visitor logs newly uncovered by The Daily Mail, Epstein didn't come alone.

Per The Mail, Epstein was joined by eight different women between 1993 and 1995. The logs don't disclose the nature of Epstein’s accompanied visits. Though, one of them shows Epstein and friends attended a fancy, schmancy party in the Blue Room. Not to be confused with the blue of Monica Lewinsky's blue dress, the young intern with whom Bill Clinton had an affair. Nor the blue of the dress Epstein had a painting of Bill Clinton wearing.

Jeffrey Epstein was convicted of sex trafficking in 2019. His top associate, Ghislaine Maxwell, was convicted of sex trafficking in 2021. Unclear is if these crimes were taking place when Epstein was a regular guest at President Clinton's White House in the 90s. Or if Clinton was aware of these crimes when he was a frequent flier on the Lolita Express, visiting Epstein's private island. A private island some have called "Pedophile Island." You know, because of all the underage girls that were sex trafficked there.

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