Friday, January 21, 2022

Three You May Have Missed: On Biden, Terrorists, and the TSA

Three You May Have Missed: On Biden, Terrorists, and the TSA
Brodigan - January 21, 2022 at 09:22AM

Take a bow, we all survived another week. Thank you for spending your time with us at the Louder with Crowder Dot Com website. However, we know there is only so much time you have to share with us. On occasion, you might miss a post. Here are three we feel deserve a second shot.

Joe Biden, before failing in front of the American people during Wednesday's press conference, was graded a failure by the American people.

"The only thing Joe Biden has succeeded at is not being Donald Trump. Ironic, because Politico went with the headline "Biden's first-year report card: just like Trump's" to bury the lede. Except, Trump had the entire news-entertainment industrial complex attacking him and only 35% polled gave him an "F." Joe Biden has had that same industrial complex propping him up, yet 37% polled call him a failure. That's two percent more than Trump!"

Remember that random dude who held a synagogue hostage? The one corporate media is trying to memory hole? Audio from his last phone call proves that he had a CLEAR motive after all.

"It's a good thing for Malik Faisal Akram that he wasn't Bubba Jo McMaga and in Washington last January. Or that he wasn't a concerned parent who raised his voice at a school board meeting. If that was the case, the feds may have actually investigated him ahead of time. If he was McMaga, his family's shame and embarrassment would be on a 24/7 loop news-entertainment networks like CNN. Instead, the audio-only makes an Israeli newspaper while the American press memory-holes the incident like they did that SUV that killed people in a Wisconsin Christmas parade."

Finally, the TSA that gropes American travelers while making us take off our shoes, is allowing illegal immigrants to travel with their arrest warrants as identification.

"It should give everyone warm and fuzzy feelings to know that between January 1, 2021, and October 31, 2021, 'the NTVC processed 45,577 non-citizens and non-U.S. nationals seeking validation of their DHS documents, 44,947 of which had their documents verified, [and] TSA used CBP One around 60,000 times between Jan. 1, 2021, and Oct. 31, 2021.'"

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from Steven Crowder Says