Thursday, January 20, 2022

Public School Forces Disabled First-Grader to Wear Mask During  Speech Therapy, Told It's 'His Reality'

Public School Forces Disabled First-Grader to Wear Mask During  Speech Therapy, Told It's 'His Reality'
Joseph Gunderson - January 20, 2022 at 09:16AM

Children in the U.S. have been forced to suffer through so much since the beginning of COVID. Should they have? Well, COVID was never very dangerous for them, so the appropriate answer is probably no. But because we have crazy people without brains and teachers’ unions full of cynical toolbags, students have endured school closures, isolation, and face masks.

These directives sent down from ignorant politicians on high have caused deleterious effects for all students but some far more than others. Beckett McDonald, a first-grader at Mill Creek Elementary School in Washington, has had a delay in his speech, causing him to lag behind and requiring sessions with a speech therapist. Do you know what’s extremely difficult to do with a mask on? Perform speech therapy.

His mother Arianne has tried working with the school, offering to pay for special masks/face shields, seeking exemptions, and trying to perform workarounds, all to ensure her son can learn to communicate properly.

When she first voiced her concerns to the school’s speech therapist, the therapist responded, “…having to speak with a mask on in [sic] his reality.”

No, you unscrupulous little twit, it’s not, and it never should be.

As she continued to advocate for her son, McDonald was told that the mandates were the law, to which she responded, what law? “[T]he staff member said she did not know, but said it came from Inslee and the WA State Department of Health.”

The thing is these mandates aren’t law. They never have been. Laws cannot be dictated by governors or presidents. It’s not in their power to create law.

As McDonald astutely notes, this issue isn’t relegated to just her child. “My child has relatively mild disabilities, but is representative of the frustration parents are facing in getting meaningful help through our schools.” One can imagine there are many children with far worse disabilities whose education is suffering under liberal mandates.

And it isn’t just students with disabilities suffering. Many schools around the country have forced moronic measures on students, actions that do far more harm than good.

Perhaps we need to send this young lady out to Washington to give the school board out there her particularly poignant tongue lashing.

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