Friday, January 28, 2022

Three You May Have Missed: MSNBC, Teachers Unions, and Chinese Anal Swabs

Three You May Have Missed: MSNBC, Teachers Unions, and Chinese Anal Swabs
Brodigan - January 28, 2022 at 07:47AM

The world is bracing for land war in Europe and Joe Biden had another old man meltdown at a reporter. It's been a busy week and we've been hitting you with content on content on content. Not every post gets noticed, but here are three we feel deserve a second set of eyes.

The teachers' unions are working with a far-left group to tell your children what "misinformation" is.

"They want leftists. They want students to be good little Democrats who vote blue all the way down-ticket because that’s what they believe 'thoughtful and better-informed citizens' would do. And the best way to do that is to control what students think is fact and false, and who better to determine that but a bunch of left-wing journos."

An MSNBC host issued an incitement to violence. Or that's what it would be called if she was a Fox News host.

"I can’t help but shake my head before tossing it back and laughing hysterically because the image of some of these skinny jean-wearing, neon hair-having, don’t-know-what-bathroom-to-use leftist radicals running around in Che Guevara t-shirts and rifles would be hilarious. Do lefties even know how to remove the safety on a firearm?"

Finally, China made US Officials swab their butts to see if they had the coronavirus.

"In one email, a diplomat writes that one 'colleague from [redacted] telling our group [redacted] that he was given an anal COVID swab at his apartment.' The incident apparently occurred in Beijing, where the Olympics will be held next month. Although the anal swab fell away for a while, it has made a recent resurgence and has actually been brought back in Beijing ahead of the Olympics, reports the New York Post, due to the spread of the omicron variant."

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from Steven Crowder Says