Friday, January 14, 2022

Virtue Signal Fail: House Distributes Masks to Congress Members With 'Made in China' Stamped on Them

Virtue Signal Fail: House Distributes Masks to Congress Members With 'Made in China' Stamped on Them
Brodigan - January 14, 2022 at 09:12AM

This week, The Science declared that cloth masks are no longer effective in combating whatever variant of the 'rona we're up to. Yeah, I know. People have been saying that for years. People have been saying lots of things for years that were once considered misinformation that today is our "patriotic duty." "The science" says today that cloths masks are ineffective, so that's "the science" we follow. "The science" says our masks should be the medical-grade variety. So in the House, that is what members of Congress are ordered to wear. Either N95 or KN95. Just like Fauci wears.

It would appear that the Capitol attending physician couldn't find any N95s. Not to be confused with the N17, which is a killer song by The Saw Doctors. Instead, members were given KN95 masks. Fox News' Jacqui Heinrich reports these masks to have an interesting marking on them. The words "made," "in," and "China." Because the KN95 masks are all Made in China. US Members of Congress are expected to wear masks that say "Made in China."

Let's zoom in:

When reached for comment, The Capitol Attending physician had this to say:

So, yes. As one lawmaker put it, we now have 435 members of Congress running around with the words "Made in China" stamped on their faces.

"But Brodigan, their computers and their everything else are made in China derpity derpy derp."

Correct. Yet, having the words "MADE IN CHINA" stamped on the face of United States elected officials feels different.

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from Steven Crowder Says