Saturday, January 15, 2022

Watch: Elizabeth Warren Claims ‘Big Grocery’ is Causing Inflation and Not Joe Biden's Failed Policies

Watch: Elizabeth Warren Claims ‘Big Grocery’ is Causing Inflation and Not Joe Biden's Failed Policies
Joseph Gunderson - January 15, 2022 at 08:40AM

Biden may be guilty of saying the most stupid things in politics—and that’s when what he says isn’t just gibberish—but we can turn to nearly any Democratic politician and find de-de-dee gold. Young or old, male or female, it doesn’t matter. They’re all idiots.

Elizabeth Warren is definitely not known for being some kind of genius. In fact, she’s probably best known for faking her Native American heritage for decades, so she could score jobs and add some grievance cred to her political resume because nothing says you’ve been put upon by the white man like being 1/1064th Cherokee.

But today it’s not about race. Today, Warren wants to preach from her next favorite soapbox: capitalism is bad. And, as per usual, she doesn’t make sense, and it achieves nothing. All she does is make it perfectly clear that she is unfit for office—unfit for anything requiring more than two brain cells, really—and that politicians will say and do nearly anything to provide cover for their team.

Biden’s not the reason inflation is on the rise and everything costs so much and grocery store shelves are empty! No! It’s the fault of ‘Big Kroger,’ who has chosen to monopolize the grocery game!

Seriously, this is what she says, and the media, being good little lapdogs, just sit quietly, ,nodding and panting.

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from Steven Crowder Says