Monday, January 31, 2022

Elon Musk Doubles Down on Freedom Convoy Support, Calls Government the Real 'Fringe Minority'

Elon Musk Doubles Down on Freedom Convoy Support, Calls Government the Real 'Fringe Minority'
Joseph Gunderson - January 31, 2022 at 07:46AM

Our neighbors to the north have had just about enough of Justin “I feel pretty” Trudeau, as the burdensome and invasive vax mandates being pushed by the government have lighted a fire in the bellies of the normally mild-mannered Canadians. Trudeau seems to believe the trucker convoy that has come to meet him in Ottawa is nothing but a “small, fringe minority,” but we know that’s not true.

Elon Musk, Time’s “Person of the Year,” has already voiced support for the movement in Canada. And one can be certain the Truckistanis, as Jack Posobiec has dubbed them, appreciate the support, but Musk has gone further.

His previous comments were somewhat inconsequential, more or less indirectly supporting the protests. “Canadian truckers rule.” “CB radios are free from govt/media control.”

But now, he’s watching exactly what is happening and making observations everyone should take note of.

“It would appear that the so-called ‘fringe minority’ is actually the government.”

Obviously, a reference to Trudeau’s moronic comments from last week. And he makes a good point as well about the determination of these protesters. This isn’t something fleeting, something that can or should be ignored as some petty gripe. This is a gathering to voice legitimate grievances with their government, and they aren’t backing down.

“If the government had the mandate of the people, there would be a significant counter-protest. There is not, therefore they do not.”

And mic drop. This is important and not only for Canadians but for many people of many countries to understand: the number of freedom-loving people in your nations outnumber those gutless amoeba’s scared of their own shadows several times over. You aren’t alone. It’s time you gather together and force your governments to take notice.

Tyranny can only succeed if the people choose not to fight back.

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