Friday, January 21, 2022

Liberal or Satire? Woman Has Nervous Breakdown When She Tests Positive for the 'Rona

Liberal or Satire? Woman Has Nervous Breakdown When She Tests Positive for the 'Rona
Brodigan - January 21, 2022 at 08:37AM

Anyone who plays on our side of the sandbox will attest that @LibsofTikTok is our most valuable resource and one that needs to be protected at all costs. She (@LibsofTikTok is a dame) scours the internet bringing us the best of the worse. Every so often, we get one that you watch and say, "Nah, this can't be real." Progressives have destroyed satire since so many are actually beyond parody. Every so often, you get one that at first seems real but then you realize they're taking the piss out of the left.

I go back and forth on this one. So let's play a game.

"That was like the coolest characteristic about myself that I hadn't gotten it."

You have three options.

Option A: Legit. This nincompoop is so vapid and desperate for social media likes, she recorded herself taking the tests. Then when the result was positive, and she turned negative, kept the camera rolling. Posting this on TikTok was a plea for attention.

Option B: Not legit, but sympathetic. She and her friends are really like this because they watch too much CNN and have "Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Fauci" scribbled in their notebook. This video was an example of what it's actually like for these people when the results come in.

Option C: Pure satire. This TikTok user is ridiculing the people who are actually like this. Only she is a bit too convincing.

You've no doubt stumbled upon this post via one of the many social media platforms. Post a comment or reply to the tweet which you think it is. Is this broad pure satire? Or did she really have a meltdown and not think the internet was going to mock her unmercifully? The choice is yours!

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from Steven Crowder Says